Sunday 21st September 2014 Moon enters Virgo 5pm BST - 6pm Europe - TopicsExpress


Sunday 21st September 2014 Moon enters Virgo 5pm BST - 6pm Europe - 9:30pm India [Monday 3pm Sydney, Australia] - 12 noon USA EST Balsamic (waning /45-0 degrees) September 21, 2014 — This is a time to rest, reevaluate and reflect, pulling back into yourself to reconnect with inner sources of strength. Now is not a time to initiate anything new. It’s a phase suited to spending time with friends and getting in touch with the big picture. A window of opportunity exists for seeing your life objectively and becoming aware of what is important to you. At this point, what are your dreams and aspirations? What larger goals can you aspire to that will bring vitality and excitement into your life? This is a time for resting and gaining inner strength to prepare for a new cycle. Moon enters Virgo - 12th House karma Mysterious and Destined Coincidences just happen ..... Moon enters Virgo 5pm BST - 6pm Europe - 9:30pm India - [Monday 3pm Sydney, Australia] - 12 noon USA EST begins the 12th House of Karma - as explained before - when the Moon arrives in the house that it was when it became the New Moon - its 12th house and thats when the Moon checks to see if you have done - what you were destined to have done during the past 30 days. I will be honest with you - that its not every day you sense DIVINE intervention in your life - with a sense of being PUSHED to do something - and even though if you look - you can see DESTINY in everything that unfolds during each and every day - even so - there are DAYS - when you say WOW - because inexplicable unexpected things just happen - even things you gave-up ever happening - and never thought possible - now happen. The moment Moon enters Virgo you will inexplicably have a sense of clarity - something will make you feel very focused on doing something specific - thats because the nature of Virgo is always to save the best to the very end - and hence with Moon, Sun & Venus in Virgo - youre going to get the clarity you need. Events will then unfold - very quickly as destiny creates something from nowhere - something your destiny needs - something youve been waiting for - which will make you embrace LIFE with an inexplicable feeling that LIFE is looking after you. The truth is 12th House Karma - always means mysterious things happen - things that NO-ONE can block nor prevent from happening - because its your destiny. And all of which is pre-determined by other people changing their minds - as destiny forces them to change their minds amidst confusion and numerous twists of fate. On busy days - when things happen so fast and so quickly - the busy energies ensure you have NO time to think - and therefore you react instinctively - from deep within you - you react differently to when you have time to think - as I always say the biggest problem with destiny being fulfilled is HUMAN INTERFERENCE. Hence, even if youve decided NEVER to speak to someone OR never decided to meet someone new OR if you thought something would never happen - because its been blocked by others - then amidst busy day - they call and get through to you - theres nothing you can do - the re/connections are made. Thats the type of days - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday .... and the next month ahead will be. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye - something happens - and one-thing-after-another ensure destiny happens.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:01:29 +0000

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