Sunday 29 June: Waxing moon in Cancer until 6.45 pm, then moves - TopicsExpress


Sunday 29 June: Waxing moon in Cancer until 6.45 pm, then moves into Leo New Moon in Leo tomorrow morning Iris Detenhoff Moontime Diary 2014: • Mow the lawn to encourage growth • Your hair may be unruly today if you wash it Llewellyn’s 2014 Moon Sign Book: • Mow lawns to increase growth • Bid on contracts • Begin work with consultants Void-of-Course Moons: There is a voc moon for a brief time today from mid-afternoon to 6.45 pm when the moon moves into Leo. If you feel spacey and find it hard to concentrate, you may be affected by voc moons. Take it easy during this time, or alternatively make the energy work for you by making plans you don’t want to complete. Health and Grooming: On a waxing moon everything we put in is digested more quickly. Our bodies absorb and retain moisture, nutrients and information. If you struggle with weight gain, you need to be careful about everything you eat and drink. If you want lush regrowth, time your haircuts for when the moon is waxing in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Schedule medical treatments during the waxing moon because your body will recover more quickly.. For the gardeners: The moon is in fully-fertile Cancer today and gives lunar gardeners an opportunity to plant or propagate leafy annuals which are those plants where you want to harvest the foliage like cabbage, lettuce, celery, spinach, asparagus and most herbs depending on your local climate. You can successfully graft at this time for best healing and irrigate for best results. Now is the best time to apply foliar or soluble fertilizer. Remember that some crops do equally well planted in either the first or second quarter of the lunar month such as annual flowers, melons, cereal grains or shallots. Just make sure you take into account your local climate and soil condition to choose the best crop for a successful harvest. For the fishermen: Fish bite best during the three nights of the full moon and the three nights of the dark moon and for a couple of days afterwards, so you will get eight to ten good fishing days in a lunar month. If you want to further refine your fishing times, there are four times a day during those days of good fishing when you are likely to be more successful and that is during the magic 45 minutes before and after sunrise and sunset, and moonrise and moonset. Another bit of traditional fishing lore is Moon by day, fish by day; moon by night, fish by night so if you can see the moon in the sky during the daytime, schedule your fishing trip for sunrise and sunset. If you can’t see the moon in the sky during the daytime, fish for the 45 minutes either side of moonrise and moonset for an optimum catch. You can check sun- and moon-rise times in your own time zone by googling Geoscience Australia, so all you have to do is calibrate times for your own geographic area for maximum chances of success. For the magicos: The energy of the new moon is that of birth, new feelings, new paths. When you have used the energy of the Dark Moon to clear the way the New Moon offers strong energy to call all you want in your life. Although the current fashion is to call the Dark Moon the New Moon and act as though these two Moons are the same with the same energy, when you really start working with lunar energy you will easily be able to feel the difference for yourself. You may also find that when you start working with the New Moon during Her time of power instead of trying to call prosperity or make New Moon wishes on the Dark Moon, you will be amazed at how successful your workings can be. It is a matter of timing, like all lunar energy. When you know the right time to act, you can do anything. This month’s new moon falls in Leo and Leo moon energy is masculine, hot, dry, fiery and barren. Good playful and proud energy to put on a show, present an idea or entertain, so is excellent energy for fund-raisers and ceremonies. You can find who your true love is at the New Moon: pick some yarrow at the New Moon, put it under your pillow and say before you go to sleep: Good night, fair yarrow Thrice good night to thee I hope before tomorrow’s dawn My true love I shall see For the skywatchers: • Look close to Jupiter to spot the new moon. • Mercury appears to dance backwards in the sky during Mercury Retrograde. Other planets do this as well, but they do not affect us humans as much as Mercury does. • During June is a good time to observe Scorpius and the bright stars that form its shape can easily be seen against the fainter stars of the Milky Way. Its centre is marked by its brightest star Antares, a name that means the rival of Mars because of its reddish colour. This star is a red supergiant that is at least 300 times the size of the Sun and lies at a distance of 600 light years away. The star at the end of the scorpions tail is Shaula, the sting, which is a blue-white star 700 light years away. Dschubba, the forehead, is the star that marks the head of the scorpion is also a blue-white star that lies at a distance of 400 light years. There are some interesting open and globular star clusters in the Scorpius part of the sky and it is worth taking a look around this area with a telescope or even binoculars if you have them. In ancient mythology, Scorpius was the creature that killed Orion, the mighty hunter, with his sting. Orion still flees from the scorpion, for as Scorpius rises over the eastern horizon Orion sets in the west. Mercury Retrograde: Mercury Retrograde happens for a few weeks a few times every year. If you know what to expect, you can plan around these times to work with rather than against Mercury Retrograde energy to make best use of your energy and your time. For example, my laptop played up something shocking at the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde, so I have added my Toshiba to my morning Reiki send list to help keep it operational during Mercury Retrograde. During a Mercury Retrograde you could experience accidents, delays, vagueness, rifts in relationships, missing communications when messages are misheard or go missing or your letter gets delayed in the mail. Mistakes are easy to make. The trick is not to waste energy getting angry about what you can’t fix but instead use this retrograde energy to work for you. Although Mercury retrograde is not a good time to start anything new, it offers excellent energy for any project you need to revisit. Please note the opinions expressed here are written for Sues Skywatch, based on my own research and beliefs and posted for your interest. Times are Australian Eastern Time. If you would like to check out my new book Moondance you will find it on sale at Smashwords for US$2.95 https://smashwords/books/view/437641 on Smashwords.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:09:25 +0000

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