Sunday, 29th September 2013 Nineteenth Sunday after - TopicsExpress


Sunday, 29th September 2013 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Introit Call to Worship MP 38 As we are gathered, Jesus is here. Call to Prayer Please join in words in bold print. All seated. From Psalm 66.1, Matthew 19.14, Proverbs 22. 6, 1. Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! 2. Sing about the glory of his name! 3. Jesus said, let the children come to me, don’t try to stop them. 4. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. 5. Teach your children to choose the right path. 6. Even when they are old they will not depart from it. 7. Come and listen, all you who fear God. Prayer of Approach and Confession The Lord’s Prayer (“debts”) Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah; We’ll praise the Lord! Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah; We’ll praise the Lord! We’ll praise the Lord, hallelujah! We’ll praise the Lord, hallelujah! We’ll praise the Lord, hallelujah! We’ll praise the Lord! Welcome and Intimations Sacrament of Baptism By cool Siloam’s shady rill How sweet the lily grows! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon’s dewy rose! Lo! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. O thou whose infant feet were found Within Thy Father’s shrine, Whose years with changeless virtue crowned, Were all alike divine. Dependent on thy bounteous breath, We seek thy grace alone, Through every stage of life, and death To keep us still thine own. Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 The Vows and the Baptism Aaronic Blessing (from Numbers Ch 6): arr. Mason, CH4:796 The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen Scripture Reading Amos 6. 1a, 4 – 7 Page 740 Anthem Gospel Reading I Timothy 6. 6 – 19 Page 984 MP 587 Search me, O God Maori Sermon Offering and Doxology Prayer MP 894 My Jesus I love thee. Road and the Miles to Dundee Benediction and Threefold Amen Church Notices Sunday 29th September 11 a.m. – Morning Worship: the Minister. Sacrament of Baptism. Sunday School has now restarted. Please spread the word! Welcome to our Church. If you are here for the first time we hope that you will feel welcome and come back again to worship with us. If you would like some help please do ask someone - and feel free to sign our Visitors’ Book. Teas and light lunch are served in the small hall after the service. The Glasgow NW Food Bank is open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Donations can be handed in at these times, (or on Sundays!) and the cafeteria will be open for teas, toasties and home bakes. Monday 30th September 6.30 p.m. – Anchor Boys in the Church Hall. Tuesday 1st October 6 p.m. – Gems in the Church Hall. Brownies, 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. Wednesday 2nd October 7 p.m. – Zumba4U dance and exercise group in the Church Hall. Friday 4th October 4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Hiphophooligans – Hip-hop & break dance for boys age 3+. 6.30 p.m. / 7.30 p.m. – Boys’ Brigade. Sunday 6th October 11 a.m. – Morning Worship: the Minister. Sacrament of Baptism. 6.30 p.m. – Knightswood Fellowship of Churches united service in St. Margaret’s Parish Church. Preacher – Rev. Graham Thain. (Harvest theme). Our own Harvest Thanksgiving in Blawarthill will be on 13th October. Date for your diaries. The Guild will recommence on Thursday 10th October at 7.30pm. Please encourage your friends and neighbours to come. If transport is needed to and from the church please give your name to Nancy Smith or Helen Thompson. An enjoyable evening is guaranteed ! There will be a short Guild committee meeting in the large hall on Sunday 6th October after church/lunch (12.30pm) If any member of your family is ill or has become housebound, please inform their Elder or one of the Clerks, (Mr. John Thomson and Mrs. Ellen Smith).
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:07:30 +0000

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