Sunday 29th September, Well today started off rather strangely, - TopicsExpress


Sunday 29th September, Well today started off rather strangely, Candy hadnt eaten any of her Readigrass through the night or drunk any of her water, hhhhhmmmm alarm bells started but i thought no eliminate things first, so i tried her with some fresh Readigrass nope she didnt want that, so next came her sloppy brekkie (HAPPYHOOF, SUGARBEET, SOAKED PONY NUTS, PASTURE MIX) All made sloppy she tried her hardest to chuck all the happyhoof out and the sugarbeet out on to the floor, picking out the pasture mix, i gave her some Soaked pony nuts and pasture mix, that went down fine, i opened a new bale of Readigrass just incase there was something up with the first 1, she had a few nibbles at it and then lay down and went to sleep. She is ok in herself, eyes are bright, no temors, no sweats, she has been out most of the day just grazing, only coming in when i have given her some sloppy stuff, her poohs are normal, they have got smaller as the day has gone on, but they look normal and she has done 14 of them, her pee`s are normal as well. She had a normal morning, sleeping and grazing, she has barely touched her Readigrass all day, and i cut out the Happyhoof and the sugar beet, so she is just eating Soaked Pony Nuts, and Pasture mix, made very sloppy, she hasnt drank any water all day, so i had a quick chat with our vet about giving Candy a water bag, i just wanted to make sure i wasnt over reacting, so candy has had one water bag and im going to give her another before i go to bed, just to help keep her hydrated, better to be safe than sorry i reckon. There is nothing else about her that is worrying me, she looks fine in herself, its just this not drinking or eating like she usually does, The photo with her nibbling her haynet, gave me some hope, as i thought well maybe she just doesnt want Readigrass anymore, its done its bit and she is moving on to hay, but the not drinking isnt good, she doesnt even want to drink her herbal tea with lots of sugar in it, Her food intake has been; 1 scoop of Readigrass if that, 23 handfuls of soaked Pony Nuts, 23 handfuls of Pasture Mix, 1 handful of Happyhoof, 1 handful of Sugarbeet, 2 scoops of Carrots Half a Dozen mouthfuls of Hay, Grass, Her fluid intake has been; 2 ltrs of Water in her water bag and another 2ltrs before i goto bed She wet her lips with some herbal tea, but she didnt drink any. In herself she is fine, and she has had a good day chilling with her mate and grazing, she has wanted to be out rather than in her housie. So we will see how she is in the morning, i will post a quick note on here in the morning just to let you all know how she is, im sure she will be fine, but id rather jump on any changes in her straight away so were not giving this illness even an inch to creep back in, Another day closer to full recovery, and another butt kicking day tomorrow :)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:48:36 +0000

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