Sunday 9/14/14 Part 1 Still over slept, 5:30 am. The cool night - TopicsExpress


Sunday 9/14/14 Part 1 Still over slept, 5:30 am. The cool night breeze was exhilarating. Yes I over slept but I am refreshed and I may see the sunrise this morning. Gear packed and out the door by 6:00 am. I am having a really good feeling about today. I dont know what it is, the great end of a Saturday, or maybe it is simply the weather. I am headed to Assateague again. Same spot with all the birds on Saturday, really hoping they want to play today and I hope I will capture something new. The sun rise is simple, very few clouds in the sky, but the color of the light is gorgeous. Morning light to me is second only to the diffused light you get through the canopy of the forest. I am looking forward to this. I enter the parking lot and pass a couple of white-tails. I grab my camera and slowly walk over to the deer. Photographing deer like this is in no way a challenge. I believe I could go up and pet both of them if I wanted to. It is nothing like stalking a deer across a corn field, pausing at every time the deer raises its head. I take a couple head shots and move on to why I am here. Birds!!! I head back to the car and take a sip of my coffee. Ok I am ready lets see what Mother Nature has to offer me today. I head up to the board walk and slow my approach. To my surprise there is nearly 20 Tricolors roosting on the board walk. I am not sure what I should do here. No cover at all! Can I simply walk up to them and start shooting? I would hate to scare them off as they bask in the morning sunlight. I slowly make my way down the board walk, hugging the rail as I approach. This is crazy, so many Tris. As I approach I do my normal shoot, 2 shots to document the birds. Continuing my approach, now ten minutes into a normal minute walk, they still are waiting for me. This is absolutely amazing, they could care less, I guess they are use to idiots like myself trying to take their photograph. I keep a somewhat safe distance, making sure not to introduce any stress. Photo after photo, wind blowing feathers, perfect sunlight and subject. I spend a good 20 minutes with the Tris before they take flight off into the distance. What are the chances there will be shorebirds on the little beach around the corner? I walk down and look up and down the beach. A couple semis and ,least I think. I find a decent spot and lay down in the sand. They will come by eventually, not caring that I am there. A few shots as the pass by, feeding with determination. OK time to head back to the spot I planned on spending my morning at...
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:06:55 +0000

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