Sunday 9/14/14 Part , I am here in Assateague to try and find two - TopicsExpress


Sunday 9/14/14 Part , I am here in Assateague to try and find two birds I need to mark off my list. Everything else so far has just been a bonus. I am hoping to find a Blue-Headed Vireo and a Red-eyed Vireo, both have eluded me this year. I set up next to a small pile of brush, a down limb and some saplings. A Catbird sounds the alarm, a Thrasher flutters off and a sudden silents overcomes my little spot in the world. 10 minutes in and a young Common Yellow-throat starts feeding upon the branches. An Orchard Oriole flies in. I look over to the Oriole and notice a Vireo feeding upon the branches. Red-eyed Vireo! The distance is more then I like, but I get a couple shots before it flies off. I can mark it off my list, but definitely have to get a better photograph of one. 1 more song bird to go for the year and hopefully some more Red-eyes. I debate on what to do next, wondering what I am missing on the other side of the clearing, I decide to walk off to another pile of brush to see what I can find. As I am walking up I notice a guy getting ready to walk the boards with his camera. I greet him with a good morning and he asks have I seen anything. I continue to tell him how great of a morning it has been. We walk for a bit and chat, I let him know everything I have seen this morning and where to look. I pause for a moment to listen and he says, Nice to meet you. I am going to head on. Good luck! I respond. I continue my search, walking the brush and tree line slowly, heading back to my original spot. As I approach I see a Kingbird grooming. If I recall correctly I only have 2 or 3 photos of a Kingbird. I sink down and crawl on my knees to get in a little closer. I am very surprised the bird has not taken flight. I think the sound of the wind through the trees has soften the sound of my knees pounding the boards. I brace against the rail and start shooting. I watch the bird as it grooms. Out of the corner of my eye I see the other photograph approaching. Normally I would expect someone to walk right on up and start shooting, eventually scaring off my prey. This guy didnt he stopped and waited, so I waved him on over and softly said Eastern Kingbird. He and I shot until the bird left. Once again I said to him, It has been a great morning! We chatted for a bit longer and eventually headed our own ways. So another bird off my list and 1 to go. I think next week I will start on my list for Fall and Winter.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:25:44 +0000

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