Sunday 9 June 2013 10th Sunday of the year About Today Psalm - TopicsExpress


Sunday 9 June 2013 10th Sunday of the year About Today Psalm week: 2. Universalis anniversary On this day in 1996 the Universalis Web site was opened to the public. Pray for those who contribute to it. In other years: St Ephraem the Deacon (306 - 373) Saint Ephraem was a poet and a theologian. He lived all his life in Mesopotamia, first founding a school and then, when the Persians invaded his native town of Nisibis, moving to Edessa. He preached there, and laid the foundations of its great school of theology. He is famous not only for the beauty of expression of his homilies but also for his hymns, which have spread far beyond his native Syriac church and are in use in East and West alike. Other saints: St Columba (521? - 597) Columba (Gaelic Colm Cille) He was born in Gartan, in County Donegal, and was of royal lineage. He studied under Finnian of Moville and Finnian of Clonard. He founded monasteries at Derry, Durrow, and possibly Kells, before leaving Ireland as a missionary, “an exile for Christ.” His greatest foundation was Iona, from where he converted much of western Scotland, and his followers took the Gospel as far as northern England. He died at Iona in 597. He was renowned as a poet and scribe as well as a spiritual guide. In Gaelic literature he appears as Ireland’s most popular saint, noted for his great personal love of all creatures, both human and animal.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 01:06:40 +0000

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