Sunday, 9 March 2014 Aries Today is a good day for education - TopicsExpress


Sunday, 9 March 2014 Aries Today is a good day for education and getting knowledge. If you try to attract the attention of a person you are in love with, you will fail. The stars and planets are not favorable for your sign. You should make order in your house and take care of it. This day is favorable to comprehend the past and to start a new life. Taurus You will be working much to find solutions to most difficult matters. Today you will have to keep your desire within compass, thus you will be able to avoid some serious complications in love matters. Today you can venture at random; you will be always successful and lucky. Today it may seem to you that loss succeeds loss and misfortune crowds on misfortune. Gemini This day you should not hurry with carrying out your plans so as not to commit mistakes. You must be reserved in your relations with the person you are in love with: a word said inappropriately may provoke a conflict situation. You should not decline invitation if you are invited somewhere. Today it may seem to you that your misfortune is such that it could be no greater. Cancer This day any investments will bring profitable dividends. You may become attached to a remarkable degree today, but do everything in your power to keep cold and clear to avoid mistakes. Even if it seems to you that success cannot be obtained-while there is life there is hope. It is not recommended to eat and sleep too much today. Leo Initiative, striving for victory and even courage will be necessary in all affairs today. Love to your pet will help you to understand better the meaning of life. Today you will be starving for sympathy and surrounding you people will try hard to comfort you. Change your home interior today; it will have a favorable influence upon your health and mood. Virgo Try to make celebration of your work. As regards love, you should recommence old amorous relations. No need to magnify your troubles today. Try to be calm and careful. Everything depends on your attitude to the situations you will find yourself today. Libra Finish your affairs, but do not begin anything new. Today your wish to have a dangerous liaison will be much stronger than the fear to be disclosed. Meet friends today and discuss your common plans. Listen to the intuition; pay attention to the shady sides of all things and situations. Scorpio Look before you leap today. There will be a romantic adventure today. Be ready to brave deeds. Walks and swimming will improve your state of mind and mood today. Sagittarius You should insist and reach your aims. It is very much possible that soon you will be head over heels in love. Carefully prepare yourself for the trials of Destiny. Success and surprises wait you in the middle of the day. Today you will have to do your best to recover control of your temper. Capricorn Try to finish the affairs that you have put off without any reason. You relatives will support you at a difficult moment and you will trust yourself again. A visit of a distant relative or unexpected meeting with an old friend is quite possible today. All you dreamt about this night may realize in your real existence today. Aquarius You may change your work or get a well-paid promotion with much responsibility. It may happen that the person you are in love with will fall out of love with you and will have done with you. Your bosses will appreciate and notice your working abilities. Think of changing your image, your healthy appearance will depend on it. Pisces Set real goals and your dreams may show you how to achieve them. Today you will be dying for new love adventures and it will be difficult for you to resist the temptation to change your life. Organize a family celebration and it will become the brightest event for the last time. This day is a favorable time for outings and camping ♡ BB Belladonna
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 08:58:16 +0000

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