Sunday Afternoon Info Session; Did you know that Im into my - TopicsExpress


Sunday Afternoon Info Session; Did you know that Im into my third year of soap making? The most common question I get asked by my customers is: Why did you start making soap in the first place? Well...for a long time Ive been into living a semi self-sufficient lifestyle. Ive always cooked from scratch (no packet mixes) I bake all our own bread (the complete prepackaged mixes) I grind wheat & rye for our bread (in an electric grinder...not by hand!!!) I roll oat groats every day for our porridge (and that is by hand!) I make cheese...Camembert, cheddar, feta, ricotta I make butter I grow veggies & herbs I have always enjoyed making homemade herbal remedies I make all our own icecream, cakes, biscuits, sauces, jams, chutneys...and the list goes on! Why? Because I have always been very conscious of what we put into our bodies and what we put ON our bodies. Making soap was an extension of my self sufficient journey. I started off on a very basic recipe. I then had to wait a whole 4 weeks before we could use that first bar! That process is called curing - one of the most important steps in the whole process (I will go into that another time). But that first bar of soap made by own hand was so precious! Hubby & I loved it! We loved the softness, the lather and here was another step of providing for ourselves! Since that very first bar of soap, a whole 2 years plus has gone into research, into testing, into trying new ideas, new products, new oils, new fragrances. EVERY batch I make and sell is tried out here in our home and by our family members (as guinea pigs!) before it goes on sale. When you purchase from Soap by Sandy you can be assured that you are buying a product that has had the Soap by Sandy quality control tick of approval!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 05:01:47 +0000

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