Sunday April 6th 2014, A short tribute on the life of Aunt - TopicsExpress


Sunday April 6th 2014, A short tribute on the life of Aunt Phyllis: Dear Hetrick Family and friends of Phyllis Hetrick, first may we the Penn family send you our deepest sympathies and our sincere love to you in this time of separation from your beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Our lives were made more complete because of Phyllis’s life. Thank you Heavenly Father for sharing Phyllis Hetrick with us these 79 years. For all of my life, the names Phyllis & Ralph Hetrick always meant fun, joy, hard work, and passion for God, His Word, and His Church. The beauty and significance of her kingdom coronation service today during the Sunday morning worship service is no small honor. Thank you Pastor as well as Montana Ave. Baptist for this wonderful tribute to her. Ever since Aunt Phyllis met the Lord Jesus at a Tom Farh evangelistic crusade, her faith and influence helped many in her family including her mother and her father come to an understanding of salvation by faith in Jesus. Her personal convictions always had a profound impact on her children as well as nephews, nieces and grandchildren. Just ask them. Personally, Aunt Phyllis was always a force in my life. In my early years, she provided me with one of the best friends of my life, my cousin Jerry, always enduring our shenanigans with a smile. And then years later she and Ralph allowed me to live in their basement in Orovada as I worked my way through Bible school. Never asking anything from me in return except to keep pressing on into whatever service the Lord was leading me into. Thank you Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Ralph. Besides being passionate for His Church, Phyllis Hetrick, and I should say the entire Hetrick family, have a passion for the lost and World Missions. Her generosity and personal involvement in Gods Kingdom building is impossible to measure on Earth. Aunt Phylliss short visit to Albania in 2005 still brings back smiles and wonderful memories to us, as well as sorrow to the people she had a chance to befriend while she was here. We pray for your comfort during these days. Though Phyllis would be the first to share about her lack of energy for the Lord and ministry, she did nothing but do the opposite. She was always gracious, always hospitable, and was always interested in whatever we had to tell her. Her passion for God cannot be measured by human understanding, it was lived out on a daily basis by her time in the word, her time in meditation, her time in prayer, as well as her active involvement with others. She lived her true passion, she loved the Lord, and wanted others to Love Him. I would like to close with this truth from Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Aunt Phyllis is now in the hall of Faith and is shining like the stars Forever and Ever! WE will never forget her. We will miss her every day, but then the night will come and we will be able to look up and see her bright twinkling eyes smiling down on us. God Bless and Keep you and make His face shine on you and give you peace, Timothy, Miranda, Samid and Sarah Penn
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 06:36:30 +0000

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