Sunday Confession: Donations have been so terribly low that I am - TopicsExpress


Sunday Confession: Donations have been so terribly low that I am getting a hopefully full time job for the next year and a half to make up for lost time. Thats hard to do when youre overqualified to flip burgers, bag groceries, or stock shelves because you have a worthless degree. It wont change anything for Haven Hills, it just means I will have even less time to enjoy the fruits of my labor to help other people. I know people have read my posts for the last few years and thought they understood me or thought that maybe I had gone mental. Ive had many tell me that they think of me and pray for me. I appreciate it, but The truth is that Ive learned to stop asking for help because the ball gets dropped back in my lap and I have to do things myself anyway. Im tired. Im overworked. Im totally underpaid. Im a single mother for the second time around. Navigating life to the best of my abilities. Why do I do what I do? Because I love it. And Ive given up large portions of my life, money, health, and many other things to make it work. Hence, the additional job. When I get frustrated with people and things and vent on facebook please realize that it is only a vent and a rant for the above reasons. My plate is overflowing with wonderful things and my shoulders are heavily burdened with things that dont occur to much of anyone else so please do not worry about Haven Hills or my personal state of being. I really am doing fine. The center is alive, thriving, and monetarily taxed but no obstacle has stopped us so far. There are huge opportunities right around the corner for us. For right now, the focus is on my health, my varied jobs, the jobs I am applying for, and juggling it all effectively. Forgive me if Ive been a little off balance or havent returned emails, calls, or texts. Im only human.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:31:48 +0000

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