Sunday Cook-up time again…but since we leave tomorrow for 10 - TopicsExpress


Sunday Cook-up time again…but since we leave tomorrow for 10 days in CA, we’re skipping out on cooking this week. Don’t worry though—regular Sunday and Wednesday posts are still in the plans. For today, we’ve got some paleo-primal travel tips to share…because eating “clean” while on holiday is not always easy. Read them here…or on our blog: First, some quick travel snacks (great for everyday travels too): - Hard-boiled eggs (preferably pasture-raised, but any will do) - Organic deli meat (Applegate organic is an excellent choice) - Smoked wild salmon (Whole Foods brand is free of sugar, unlike most) - Almonds, walnuts or macadamia nuts - Sliced carrots, bell peppers or other veggies - Apples, berries or grapes - EPIC protein bars (not a fan of most bars, but these are good ones—kind of like high-quality meat jerky; find them here: https://epicbar) - To-go packets of almond butter Having the above on hand is especially wise if you easily succumb to airport food (uh, um, Randy). Personally, I like to have a solid brunch on a travel day and then fast until we find a delicious dinner at our destination, which leads to our… Tips for eating out: - Dream situation: Find a paleo-primal aligned restaurant (googling “farm-to-table” or “grass-fed burger” plus “local restaurant” is a good place to start). - Research menus online, scouting out places that make it easy to stay within paleo-primal parameters. - When ordering, choose high-quality animal proteins and steamed or sautéed veggies. For meat, fish and eggs, look for terms like “organic,” “pasture-raised,” “grass-fed,” “wild-caught,” “local.” If conventionally raised meat is the only option, go for leaner cuts (otherwise, for quality meat, fat is fine). - Steer clear of bread, pasta, beans and other grains and legumes. Ask (gently, politely) that rolls not be brought to the table. - Use caution with omelettes—which can seem like the perfect choice…except that many places use liquid rather than shelled eggs and add milk or even pancake batter to make them fluffier. Fried eggs cooked in butter or poached eggs are a better option. - Ask that veggies and other foods be steamed or cooked in real butter rather than inflammatory seed oils (such as canola, which, unfortunately, is EVERYWHERE—ever read the ingredient labels at the Whole Foods hot bar?). - Skip the salad dressing and complicated sauces (likely full of sugar, inflammatory vegetable oils and other unhealthy additives). Instead, request extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and fresh lemon on the side. - Order burgers and sandwiches (including breakfast sandwiches) minus buns and bread (at most places, they’ll even place them atop lettuce or greens for you). - Choose double veggies as sides (skipping the chips or fries). - Making “special” requests at restaurants can be uncomfortable—especially at first. But we promise there are ways to do so without sounding totally obnoxious. Just ask really nicely (“Would it be possible for you to…”) and make sure to say “Thank you.” - Allow for a little “80-20” off-roading: Skipped the rolls but dying for that flour-less chocolate torte? Every now and again, go for it. Just try to choose the least worst option (i.e., better that torte than a grain-based layer cake). And maybe not every night on a 10-day vacation. alchemistclinic/sunday-cook-up-paleo-primal-travel-tips/ #AlchemistEating #paleo #primal #realfood #eatingoutpaleo #paleotravel #SundayCookup
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 13:04:03 +0000

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