Sunday Daily Moment of Thought August 18, 2013 I’ve always - TopicsExpress


Sunday Daily Moment of Thought August 18, 2013 I’ve always admired my friends’ ability to grow absolutely stunning indoor plants. One day out of curiosity I asked; “What is your secret to growing beautiful plants ”? Her reply; It’s no secret, I just pick the plants that have the greatest chance of thriving in my home’s environment. From there I follow the watering, feeding and fertilizing instructions. But it’s choosing the right plant for the environment that’s the most important. Otherwise they will not thrive. From this very brief conversation I began to think about how many times I have tried to thrive in environments that were just not suitable for me or for things I was attempting to achieve. My thoughts took me to my bible and to my amazement the Word of God speaks a lot about our environments and our associations. However, the scripture that stood out the most; For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7a Just as indoor plants need surroundings conducive for their growth so do our dreams and goals. We must ask ourselves the question; “Is it possible that one of the reason I am experiencing challenges in achieving what I’ve set out to accomplish due to thoughts of doubt and fear”? I know we hear many opinions about positive thinking. Some I can agree with and some I can’t. However, now that I am aware of scripture that speaks to the very issue I am forced to take another look. If we hope to accomplish many of our goals and dreams along with a strong work ethic we must also have healthy thinking. Far too many times our negative thoughts create an unhealthy environment for anything to thrive. In other words our way of thinking could very well have much to do with our success or lack thereof. Therefore it is imperative that we learn and put into practice positive thinking. Doing so could very well make a great big difference in our lives. Everyone enjoy your day. Sonja
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 03:24:03 +0000

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