Sunday, December 21 · BJP must reveal whether it has a secret - TopicsExpress


Sunday, December 21 · BJP must reveal whether it has a secret deal with the organisation praising Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin · Why are the central govt and BJP silent on provocative statements of Hindu Mahasabha ? · Why is the home ministry reluctant to take action when designs of this organisation are absolutely clear The Aam Aadmi Party dares the BJP to break its silence on whether it has any secret deal with extreme right wing organisations like the Hindu Mahasabha for installation of busts of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse in Delhi and other main cities of the country. The condemnable statements from such dangerous organisations are increasing everyday and the BJP must reveal whether it had made any such promise before the Lok Sabha elections to get the support of these groups. It is shocking that the Hindu Mahasabha is openly displaying the bust of the assassin of the father of the nation at its office in central Delhi and a blind eye is being deliberately turned to such a dangerous development. The reluctance of the central government and the BJP’s top leadership, to condemn the utterances of these hardline groups gives rise to strong apprehensions that they have the silent consent of the ruling party to go ahead with their nefarious designs. The AAP challenges the BJP to answer the following questions : 1) Can the BJP deny the statement of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha that after coming to power at the centre, this party is now dilly dallying on its nod to install the busts of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin ? 2) Does the BJP share the Hindu Mahasabha’s assessment that Nathuram Godse was a nationalist ? 3) If the BJP does not agree with this assessment, why is the union home ministry not taking any action against the organisation openly praising and planning to felicitate the assassin of father of the nation ? 4) What is the BJP stand on Nathuram Godse’s open promotion by an organisation which claims to have worked for it during the Lok Sabha elections ? 5) Why is Delhi Police silent when an organisation is publicly displaying and sending photographs of the bust of Nathuram Godse’s bust from its Mandir Marg office ? The Aam Aadmi Party will peacefully protest any attempt to praise the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. The party views it as a deliberate attempt to promote extremely intolerant views, which will harm the country’s image across the globe. Regards, AAP Media cell
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:20:00 +0000

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