Sunday I mentioned a few things to do to in order to be a blessing - TopicsExpress


Sunday I mentioned a few things to do to in order to be a blessing to those at church. After learning to listen to the Holy Spirit Sunday on how to be a blessing, being spiritually aware. Now try using this skill by being a similar blessing to someone outside your church, a coworker, stranger, neighbor and let your Light so shine and glorify your Heavenly Father.... Open an effectual door of opportunity to Heaven Ga 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. In case you missed Sundays tidbit- Repeated Below Go to church and be a blessing today. Look for ways to please God and help one another. Open your eyes and ears and let the Holy Spirit show you. Offer to do that which you see needs done. Clean steps, do nursery, spray air freshener, arrive early and look for a need to fill. Put a $20 or $50 in an envelope and put it on the window of someones car for encouragement. Thank you for being an example of Christ to my child, or picking up kids to a bus worker or ... here is coffee and lunch money on me...unsigned. Or I saw you needed tires hope this helps, signed a loving brother in Christ. Offer to take out someone different to lunch after church. Put a special unsigned envelope with $$ in the offering plate with instructions to help/encourage so and so...maybe give an envelope to the pastor in the offering as a thank you...also unsigned...Want to fire up your pastor? Allow him to walk in to the church and see/hear 3 men who arrived early just to pray that God would give him power in the service today. Just let the Spirit of God work through you and open your awareness, be a fountain of water flowing out rather than a cistern needing filled... Then do it again next week. Love in deed and in truth...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:52:53 +0000

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