Sunday January 4, 2015 I am so grateful for all the prayers. - TopicsExpress


Sunday January 4, 2015 I am so grateful for all the prayers. Today was a better day for Doug as a direct answer to your specific prayers last night and today. He was more awake and responsive to nurses and to us. He would raise two fingers or a thumbs up when asked. He would also stretch his arms in response to Deans talking to him. He sleeps in the recliner at home with his hands laced together. Today, he continually laced his fingers and would rest them on his chest. The nurses are allowing us to free his hands while we are with him, but have to watch so he doesnt go for tubes, fixation on left leg or his head. When he would start toward his face we would allow Him to get close, but then scratch his face where he needed. Our son-in-love ( no its not a misspelled word) read that if you allow a patient to get close to an area that seems to bother them, then you rub or scratch for them, they believe they have accomplished their mission! AND, it truly does seem to relax and relieve them. Doug would lean into the scratch or rub then lower his hand when he was finished, He even moved his fingers thinking he was rubbing the spot. Dean would tell him he needed to stretch his arms and he would raise them both, lace his fingers, and stretch above his head while pulling against his fingers. First time we thought may have been a fluke, but he did it repeatedly when Dean prompted. He would also pull against Deans hand when he told him they were going to arm wrestle!! What a FAITH lift it was for all of us! Doug will be so proud of his girls and his sons-in-loves when he is told of how strong they have been throughout this whole time. They have been there beside him each day. A difficult Christmas and New Years holiday for them and their families. They have spent time away from their husbands and children to be here with us. Dean and Ryan have been here and have kept our grandchildren too. We have an awesome family and I am so proud of them. Tomorrow we will go down to surgery once again for the ventilator tubes to come out. They want to remove them and replace with a trachea tube and stomach peg. The trauma Dr. Today explained the dangers of leaving the vent in too long and this would allow a safe method of getting him air if needed without a ventilator. Each procedure is scary, more anesthesia when he is just starting to stay awake in short spans. There are also risk to each procedure, but I feel God has given us the doctors that we need at the time. They are doing what is best for him each step of the way. Specific Prayers Needed: Procedures to go well with no complications Continued wakefulness after anesthesia Continued purposeful movement Bodily functions to improve My Scripture to hold on to tomorrow: Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to HIM WHO IS ABLE to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS POWER that is AT WORK within us, to HIM be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen His power at work in Doug!! Hugs to all of you and thank you so much for your prayers and support.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:44:46 +0000

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