Sunday January 4, 2015 Lord Hear Our Prayer Please join us - TopicsExpress


Sunday January 4, 2015 Lord Hear Our Prayer Please join us in lifting these needs up before Our Heavenly Father, Our Divine Healer, Our Glorious Physician: • Justice for Gilbert 23 + 2 – animal abuse and neglect • Prayers for all the Gilbert families, that justice is coming their way • Diana Stanton Prayers for my husband Dennis, back in hospital. • Lori Rockhold Hilton Please pray for safe travel, as I head home. • Cindy Haskell Sending Prayers to you Both... lets us know how he is doing... • Michele Cassidy-Cooke My Prayers are with All ...for now is when we all need the Lord to Hear Our Prayers • Cindy M Stanfield Prayers for Dennis and Diana. • Jeanette Mallick-Kramer Prayers for you. • Tina Tubbs Pardue Many prayers for Dennis and Diana. • Angela Biggica Abbatiello Prayers for Dennis and Diana • Angela Biggica Abbatiello Prayers for Richard and Lola. • Michele Cassidy-Cooke My Deepest and Truest Prayers are with you Diana Stanton and Dennis. ..Unfortunately. ..we live in a Society Where Meanest seems to be a way...where in Between we have People like Ourselves that have Gentle and True Hearts... • Diana Stanton Dear Lord please lay your healing hands on Dennis and restore his lungs and restore his mind so he may not be disoriented. Bring him back home soon as we miss him terribly and poor Daisy and Duke do not understand and are grieving. Help me let go so I may see your blessings and know all will be restored. • Michele Cassidy-Cooke Lord We ask You to Hear Our Prayers for Dennis and Diana Stanton. .. • Tina Tubbs Pardue Prayers that ALL the unwanted animals find forever, loving homes. • Tina Tubbs Pardue Prayers for Dennis and Diana. • Kay Harding Prayers for Dennis & Diana and all those suffering from chronic conditions. May they be given strength and fortitude to cope and may they have Faith that sustains them. • Kay Harding Prayers for all the abused, stolen, lost, forlorn animals - may they find Earth Angels to rescue them and may they know love and compassion. • Kay Harding Prayers for an end to all blood sports, fur and pet meat trade, stolen pets for resale or use as bait or experimentation, factory farming and back street breeders and puppy mills. • Kay Harding As always let us pray for a move from huMAN to manKIND. • Angela Biggica Abbatiello Prayers that Emma (Everything Emma) heal and adjust to life as a double amputee. • Michele Cassidy-Cooke Asking for Prayers for. .The Homeless People who are living on the cold streets with their children and pets ....To all the Children being abused at the hands of their parents. To All the Animals being Abused and Neglected. ....asking Karma to Seek Revenge on the Abusers. ..Prayers for World Peace. .Continued Prayers for Dennis and Diana.... • Angela Biggica Abbatiello Prayers that Dennis be restored to good health. • Cindy M Stanfield Lord, hear my prayer. I ask for healing for Dennis Stanton and emotional support for Diana. Prayers for all fur babies who suffer at the hands of humans (cruelty, neglect, abandonment, torture, bestiality, dog fighting and puppy mills). • Prayers for children (abuse and neglect). • Prayers for rescues all across the globe. May they have the means to continue to save animals (financial support, fosters, volunteers, compassion, shelter). • Prayers for all of my fellow PAWS members, you know our needs and our daily battles. • Tiffany Sheets Chomos Traveling mercys as my brother and I fly to Florida for grandmas funeral • Angela Biggica Abbatiello RIP Buddy tiny senior maltese went missing on 12/12. Found deceased today. Prayers for his family. • Jeanette Mallick-Kramer So sad, so sorry. • Lori Kramer Prayers for everyone that needs Gods help right now. Sometimes you feel that you cant speak freely without getting abuse by others. • Prayers for all the innocent babies that I pass along the side of the road. I say a prayer for each of you. • Diana Stanton - Dear Lord you know there is so much more pain and suffering, we ask you to guide us in all areas to show love and support for all innocent victims. • Diana Stanton - Dear Lord please protect all our prayer warriors heart and soul; as the abuse and torture to your innocent creations is unbearable to see and accept day to day. We ask that you keep us strong in this fight against the evil in this world and continue to pray for a better way and peace among us all. LORD HAVE MERCY, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS. We have faith and believe as you told us: MATTHEW 18:19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” We pray for these intentions in your name Jesus. Dear Lord as we start out this New Year, we are gathered once again to believe our prayers will be heard for healing and the world will learn to become a kinder gentler place for us to live in. I ask you to bless this beautiful prayer group as we come together knowing and believing in the POWER OF PRAYER and you are hearing every need we bring to you. Please keep us on your path of faith so we may understand your plan and that we may know somehow we will survive all this; as you are walking right beside us, leading us if we can only listen. Giving you praise Dear Lord … Amen GOD WILL MAKE A WAY https://youtube/watch?v=RsMAXhc0QTs
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:10:25 +0000

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