Sunday…July 14, 2013…Bible Study…12:00am…The Lord Yahshua - TopicsExpress


Sunday…July 14, 2013…Bible Study…12:00am…The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One’s Revelation… Chapter 13…The Middle of the Week…The Seven Personages…6. The Beast The White One and The Only One Out of the Sea…The Incarnation of The Dragon The White One and The Only One, The Anti-Yahh God Yehovah The White One and The Only One, In The Beast Or Anti-Kristos The White One and The Only One…verse 1-10…Daniel The Black One’s Fore-view as revealed in the Colossus. The Book of Daniel The Black One may be divided into two parts. The first six chapters are Historical, the last six are Prophetical. The Book contains one Dream by Nebuchadnezzar The Black One, and four Visions by Daniel The Black One, all relating to the Times of the Gentiles. Nebuchadnezzar The Black One in his Dream saw a Great Image or Colossus. The Head of the “Image” was of fine gold, its Breast and Arms of silver, it Belly or Abdomen and Thighs or Hips of brass, it Legs of iron, and its Feet of iron and clay. This Image was destroyed by a Stone cut out of a mountain without hands or supernaturally. The Stone in turn became a great mountain and filled the Whole Earth. The Black One Daniel 2: 31-35. The four metals of which the Colossus was composed represent Four Worldwide Empires which were to arise in succession. The Black One Daniel 2: 37-40. Four great Empires, and only four, were to succeed each other in the government of the world, from King Nebuchadnezzar The Black One (B. C. 606) to the Second Coming of The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One—the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman. These Empires are not only made known as to number, but their names, in the order of their succession are given. Since the Roman Empire fell there has been no leading world Empire and cannot be according to this prophecy until The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One sets up His Stone or Millennial Kingdom, as represented by the Stone that smites the Colossus on its feet, for this Stone Kingdom is to fill the whole earth, and thus be universal. This Stone is not and cannot be Kristosianity for it does not fill the earth by degrees, and thus crowd out the Colossus, but it at One Blow Demolishes it. The action of the Stone is that of Judgment not Grace, and is Sudden and Calamitous. The first Four Kingdoms were literal Kingdoms on this earth and so must the Stone Kingdom be, for it is to take the place of those Kingdoms and fill the whole earth. It represents therefore the “Millennial Kingdom of The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One, for He is the Stone of the Scriptures. The Black One Matthew 21: 44. The Spirit of The Lord Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One is upon me…I speak only by The Holy Ghost The Black One and The Only One…Henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One…Ronald D. Jones…An Apostle…Overseer…Holy Ghost Temple…The Seat of the Holy Ghost…The Church Totally Dependent of Yahh God Yehovah…The Church of The First Born…The Church Militant…1821 McKelvy St. Quincy, FL 32351. (850)364-3153. (ronjon@netquincy)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:19:36 +0000

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