Sunday, June 22, 2014 – “Watchfire” Worship Service at New - TopicsExpress


Sunday, June 22, 2014 – “Watchfire” Worship Service at New Jerusalem Church of God in Christ. Speaker: Supt. Murry R. Johnson, pastor - Message: “Extraordinary” Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21; Praise His Holy Name. Thank You, Lord for giving me strength. Thank You, God for what He is doing and going to do. Extraordinary – another dimension, more than the normal of a good thing… Verses 19, 20 main two really talk about. Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, And to know the love of Christ – not think, not what someone told me, but I know. Got to think about KNOW – perceive directly. Have direct knowledge of. Have to have experience with Him. Have Him dwelling on inside. Before receive His gift of salvation, I heard about, but didn’t know Him. Hear about a lot of people, but don’t know about them… To know God is to have knowledge of Him. Can’t know, except to have Him as your Savior… Get the fullness of Him. Fill glass – pour some, but to fill – have to keep on pouring into us… To know Him is to love and obey Him. When you become more obedient, Lord pours more into you. We have to walk in obedience. When you obey, He’ll bless you more. Like a child, have to keep chastising until you bring them into obedience. That’s why you get so many whupping. If I love you, chastising you, want them to be obedient. To know Him is to love and obey Him. And it’s [knowledge of Him] coming through His word, but you want to have it directly [want the Lord to speak directly to you]… [Knowledge of Him comes] Not only from His word, His leader from God, a true leader. Not only that, but obey His Spirit trying to tell you. But we want to hear the thunder… He wants you to read His Word. Love. To know Him is to enjoy His company, when He’s in the building… to enjoy His company – His presence. Enjoy living for Him - But when He gives you something hard to do, want to draw back. Fullness – the quality not quantity. Which would you rather drink, one gallon of good tea or three gallons of not good tea? Quality tea, drink up and would still have other left over… Quality - not quantity. In Christ Jesus, we need more quantity and quality, because HE’s ALL GOOD! Fullness – completeness… Give good message and not so good message, Prophet must do - because if disobedient enemy overtake. Got to obey message so won’t be over taken by enemy… [Message] Wholesome, 100%, like wheat bread – wheat bread better for you, don’t want to water down [message] to fit lifestyle. Already written [Word of God]… Not perfect, but I’m trying to get there. Someone came to house other day, had to get to the door. Saw them coming, crawled to unlock the door before they got there. Was crawling, had prepared. Trying today, I’m crawling then. Won’t be crawling no more [in heaven]. Got your full number, you can’t complete puzzle – until you got all the pieces, if one piece left out. Have you got full measure – accomplished, plenitude. Ship with full cargo and crew, plane cabin loaded. We ought to be loaded. Don’t want us to have gun and no bullets. All the fullness of God, speak of God. Speak of just more than one experience or one aspect of His truth, just not part of it… Balance through participation. When tire out of balance, shake - high on one, low on other – unbalanced, want to be balanced. Then participate in all God’s blessings, resources… and don’t want to participate in suffering. Negative - sort of join in with them… wisdom – need to be wise. Don’t judge my work with yours. God has more for us. Being humble, don’t mean weak. Take strength, not to retaliate. Be gentle. Jesus was gentler than anyone. Things got out of hand – stealing, robbing, cheating in the temple – got cord, drove out works of enemy… Be tolerant. Sometimes have to be tolerant. It’s a mutual thing, you tolerate me and I tolerate you sometimes, just one thing – I’m the CEO, take ya’ll at heart. Love one another. Show love to one another. Walk in humility. Goes beyond just you and Jesus, what if no one in earth, just you and Jesus? Adam was alone, only one - just like him. It’s more than you. You, Jesus and everybody else around you, it’s about the Big – starts with P – Picture. Humility - not thinking less of yourselves - but thinking of yourself less. No more, but less. God is God, but I’m not. How big HE is. Small “i” am. He is center of story. Not about me. Do everything you can to preserve unity, wherever you are: at home, at work, in marriage, in church and life. Everyone has opinion. Humility goes above opinion. Love’s what holds us together - eventually, to see the perfect view. Easy to criticize until you end up in the middle, then it’s not so easy… Are you connected with Christ or are you isolated? Are you at peace or are you at conflict with Christ…? Want to be at peace with God - give your life to Jesus…
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:56:54 +0000

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