Sunday March 30, 2017 (day 84) Pretty quiet today. Cathy and - TopicsExpress


Sunday March 30, 2017 (day 84) Pretty quiet today. Cathy and Miles headed back up north early this morning. I got to the hospital just before 9am. On Sundays the subways dont start running till 9am, so if you want to leave earlier, youve got to walk. It was beautiful out though, so I would have walked anyways. Got to get the fresh air when I can as I rarely leave the hospital once Im there.😃 Believe it or not, Jay was actually more swollen today then yesterday!!! (Mom....make sure the yarn has some stretch!) His nurse got him in the Hoyer lift and weighed him and he is up 2.2 kg or 4.84 lbs!! Ummmm......I thought the lasiks were suppose to do the opposite! Holy crap! His whole body is aching from the skin stretching. Both my arms are aching from massaging his legs constantly......haha. Cathy has only been gone 7hrs and I already miss her.....😛. Jay now has stretch marks on his thighs. I actually think he now has more stretch marks then me, and that is saying something. Lol. Jay got to talk to Princess Kiya this morning. It makes me smile watching him as his whole face lights up and he smiles the whole time. He talked to Cayley for a bit and could hear Asher eating in the background. I cant wait till he can see them in person!! ❤️ The Weekend Doctor was in. He asked Jay how he was doing and Jay told him that his bag was the size of his head. The Doctor looked a little perplexed and said well, I dont think so. To which Jay should take a look at it, cause its HUGE! Lol. This Doctor is not comfortable with Jays hemoglobin being at 64 (normal is 120-130). He ordered blood tests (which will definitely not help his count when they take 13 vials... Lol). They are doing a one-time increase in his lasiks this evening to counteract the fluids he will receive from the transplant if needed. We are waiting for the results. Jay was telling him how much pain he was in. He is going to put in a standing order for morphine, with Jays promise he will use it only as a last resort. If you remember from a previous post, morphine slows down the bowels...not what we need for Jay. The blood work results came back, and Jays hemoglobin was at 61. Extremely low. He is getting 2 units of blood to increase it. It was funny as they were trying to figure out the blood, lasiks and antibiotics and the best way to get them all in to him. I told the nurse that Jay has always been difficult! Lol. The transfusion will continue into the evening shift which Shawn (Jays nurse) said they will question. Jay told him not to worry, hed make sure to tell them he was a slacker. 😜 Bahaha. I asked why they would wait so long yo give him the blood with his levels so low, and they said its because they are just putting more fluid into his already over loaded body. Right now they dont have a choice. The results also showed that Jays potassium was really high. They had started giving him potassium and magnesium when he started the extra doses of lasiks on Friday. So those will stop and they will have to check his levels regularly. Jay did not eat at all today. They do have his feeds up to the goal rate, which is good. I couldnt even coax him to try a bite of anything. He is just in too much pain. 😥. Somethings gotta give, and I hope its soon. Tomorrow is a new day, and another step closer to recovery. Keep strong baby!! You can do this! ❤️ Hugs, xo TYD
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:08:20 +0000

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