Sunday Message By Elder Papy Kanda Text : 1 Samuel - TopicsExpress


Sunday Message By Elder Papy Kanda Text : 1 Samuel 10:5-7 *unless otherwise indicated, all verses in this text are drawn from New King James Version (NKJV) During the last 2 months we have been confessing that we shall never fail and that no matter what we shall succeed. But not failing doesn’t mean they will be no challenges or opposition to us. Not failing doesn’t mean that things will be easy all the way. Not failing and succeed rather means that success is our identity. In today’s text (1 Samuel 10:5-7) the prophet Samuel is prophesying to Saul that the very same day he would make encounters that would change his life forever. Among people he was to meet was the Spirit of God. And this specific encounter was going to make a new person out of Saul; Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.” Saul was to meet the Spirit of God and that encounter would turn him from a herd boy to a King. But before all that happens, Saul was to get into action and make the first step; Saul had first to go up the hill and meet the Philistine garrison, which was the enemy to defeat or the challenge to face. Beloved, you have been living in mediocrity and facing challenges that were virtually impossible for you to overcome but the good news I bring to you today is that the time has come for you to be turned from a poor, neglected and even despised person to a very prominent personality in your community just like Saul was turned from a herd boy from the tiny tribe of Benjamin to the King of Israel. But before that happens you have to make the first step. You have to grow determination inside you. The time has come for you to stand and do whatever you can with whatever you have in order to achieve success. Like the sick people seeking healing from the pool of Bethesda, this is the time for you to get into action because the water is shaking now (John 5). Don’t be deterred by the fact that you don’t have the required skills, abilities or funds to start a business or any other activity that may bring success to you because, like Moses, God is telling you to just use the stick that you have in your hands(Exodus 4:2). Beloved, your stick is the seemingly poor job or business that you have. Your stick is whatever ability or talent that you begot but tend to belittle. Don’t neglect your humble beginning because it is through it that the Almighty will make you great. Your time of success is on the way brother, sister, and when it will happen you will be amazed. Just like Saul went from being a donkey keeper to a king overnight, success will become your share in a snap of a finger. All you need to do is to take consciousness. God blessed us when we were still unconscious and how much more will He bless us now that we have taken consciousness. Alleluia!!! The Almighty is only waiting for you to make the first step so that He blesses you more than what you have been expecting. So like Samuel prophesied to Saul, I prophesy to you today that you will be leaving your home just to buy a loaf of bread but you’ll be returning with a car instead. You have role models, people you wish to become like, but I prophesy to you that after God blesses you, you will become far greater than your role modes. Glory be to God of the Glorious Church drafted by the redaction of the Glorious Church
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:38:07 +0000

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