Sunday / Monday Morning (way too early) Our Sunday started in - TopicsExpress


Sunday / Monday Morning (way too early) Our Sunday started in the dark... The power was still off when at 3am... The Metal Monster started alarming again... I sprung to action, flip the switch to off without a blink. Jim was already awake... He needed the bed to go flat so he could stretch out his tight back muscles. The power strip they had connected the bed controls to wasnt working... I went looking for a different one. I can just imagine what I sight I was... My ton of hair in a bed head bun... Like a scene from Dawn of the Dead I walked up to the Nurses Station from a hallway bathed in only red emergency lights. Dean, our RN from a couple nights before doesnt flinch a bit, as he looks my way... The guy is good... Ice water in his veins - honestly, in his shoes I would have needed a change of clothes! Another RN George found a orange power cord and with it we marched back down the dark hallway to Jims room. Vitals were taken by flashlight... Around 4:45am, with Jim resting again. I find myself on Facebook, I am reading that my sis-in-law was woken up by an Bay Area Earthquake... 6.0 . They were fine... Minor breakage. We fall back to sleep... Day Shift wants to raise us way too early, I keep them at bay. At 9am they are insisting we start our day - I do my zombie walk one more time for our morning coffee (less dramatic in the morning light but I sure still frightening). Since Metal Monster can only be silenced by unplugging it, is decided it needs to be replaced... Big Bed #4 is delivered. Jim and I know we are just taking up space so we leave for the Cafe. I am going to buy us some lunch... So I grab my purse. Jim teases Andrew our Bed Tech Guy... That I dont trust him with my valuables... I am blushing as I push Jim out of the room!!! I ordered us two Hamburgers and we enjoy a real meal together outside under a shady patio. Another than the great Fugazzis meal... And yogurt... This is the first meal I have seen Jim eat in weeks. Our RN found us, and scolded me on our meal choice - I could not believe my ears... First meal he has enjoyed outside his dark room, and she would have preferred him to have a chemical Protein Shake... I will learn all rules I promise, just not today. My Medical Staff doesnt realize this wasnt our world a mire 44 days ago... Cut us some slack!!!! Around 1:30 PM, Ryan and Kyle arrive, and I am replaced. I need to go celebrate an amazing ladys life and hug our friends who are missing her sweet smile. Our little town is hurting over such a loss, and today we did what we do best... We all came together on a beautiful Sunday Afternoon under the trees, and shared memories and happier times with this beautiful friend. It is now 5 AM Monday Morning, and I need to get Kyle in the shower... and some coffee in me. I am trying to decide which to do first. First, I will wish you a Marvelous Monday... Make it your own... share a smile, hold a door, hug a friend, do all you can, to show the love we still have to give to one other. ... And then, sit back and watch what a little love can do.... It is magically.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:25:04 +0000

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