Sunday Mornin Hope : Christmas lights in heaven This has been - TopicsExpress


Sunday Mornin Hope : Christmas lights in heaven This has been the craziest year with friends leaving Earth before I thought was their time. Im really happy for them but Im going to miss them a lot. God loans us people to see His beauty, love, grace, peace, humor, kindness, and many more attributes of Him. The Bible says God is love. Thats a real simple and complex statement. Almost every song is based on love (or the lack thereof). Do we understand what love is? Can we fathom the depths of a mothers love to a newborn baby? I remember how surprised my wife and I were when we brought our firstborn to grandmas house. At the door we were greeted and proceeded to disappear by the minute. We might as well have gone out for a camping trip to Alaska. We were invisible within ten minutes. For some guys this is a hard adjustment. Second fiddle is a tough chair to occupy. And most guys arent there for the babys every need, so the baby looks for mom first. The baby will wail in dads arms. Then in moms arms the baby stops and smiles. I am fortunate that my wife has been able to stay home for our children these past twenty five years. So the children are probably closer to her than me. We love our children differently and they love us back in their own different ways. We have a few children in heaven that we will meet soon. Some never made it full term in the pregnancy. I bet they have curly hair and sing really well in heaven. Some people have had near death experiences and went to heaven (Heaven is for real) then came back to tell about it. Everyone is young and remembers the good things. The Bible says All good gifts come down from the Father of lights. God is a good father and wants you to live with and for Him. He really likes you. I have a feeling that my friends who have passed away this year might be enjoying this Christmas season with Jesus and watching his birth on the big screen. Maybe theres a G Max theater up there with all eight senses. Maybe the entire floor of heaven becomes a stable and all those angels poke each other when they see themselves singing Glory to God in the highest heaven, peace on Earth good will toward men who please Him. Mary and Joseph get front row seats and probably laugh as they remember that cold night. The stable animals stare in joyful silence because they were invited to one of the greatest nights in history. Demons and sinners in hell remember that night and sneer in disgust. Ceasar, Hitler, and everyone who rejected Jesus as their lord will remember Christmas in pain as they burn eternally in hell. We who have given our hearts in love to Jesus will celebrate hanging Christmas lights in heaven for eternity. The lights will hang right and never blow out. No I dont know for sure that theres lights in heaven, but there might be. How big will the tree be? Probably much bigger that the one in Rockefeller Center. Imagine a pine tree about 3 miles high with angels and saints adorning it with love. On the tree are crosses and sparkling things and sweet candies from everywhere. God himself will put the North star on the very top. Brilliant garland ropes of love red criss- cross the tree from top to bottom. Nut crackers walk about dispensing your favorite nuts. Oh yeah, theres no calories in heaven yet everything is so rich and delightful. But this is just the beginning. Theres more to come. Are you ready? I sure hope so. Eternity is just a breath away. I really want to ride with you in heaven. Weve had some great rides here on Earth with crazy weather. Imagine the fun in heaven as we ride and never get hurt. No breakdowns or flat tires. Night rides to other constellations and dodging meteors. If you enjoy it down here, its going to be fantastic up there. What have you got to lose by living totally for Jesus? Well for starters pain, shame, fear, hatred, and unforgiveness. All evil will be gone. Sounds like a pretty logical choice to me. Give your all to Jesus today and let Him fill you with righteousness peace and joy! Merry Christmas. Im praying for you.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:42:28 +0000

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