Sunday Morning Sermon notes Are You Happy? Matthew 13:17 - TopicsExpress


Sunday Morning Sermon notes Are You Happy? Matthew 13:17 11/17/13 AM MFBC One of Websters definitions for `happy is: enjoying well-being and contentment. This morning, I want to ask you a question. Are you happy? There are various types of happiness. There is the happiness of wealth, the happiness of health, the happiness of family, the happiness of friends, and the happiness of achievement. But there is only one type of happiness that is permanent: for all the rest of these can ,and most likely will, be lost sometime along the way. However spiritual happiness can last forever! This morning, if you are without Jesus Christ as your Savior your happiness, if you posess it, is only temporary. But you can be happy in Christ today...if you will be honest with yourself and with God today, you can find lasting happiness. Christians, we ought to be the happiest people on the face of the earth. As believers, God has given us a song in our hearts, and I believe that we should let others know that it is there. Some fellow had a popular song some time back which repeated the line Dont Worry, Be Happy. There is just one problem with that thought. True happiness is not something that we produce, it is something that we posess! I want to give you some reasons for being happy today, and if reminding you of these dont make you happy, then you need to spend some time with the Lord. I. Happiness Is Knowing That God Is Your Father. • A. God is not everyones father! ◦ 1. If He was then Jesus was lying when He told the Pharisees that they were of their father the Devil. 2. This idea of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man is baloney! 3. That is not found in the Word of God! • B. Note: John 1:12. ◦ 1. To have God as our Father, we must first receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. 2. All men are the creation of God, but only those who have been born again are the children of God. 3. My earthly father was neither rich or prominent, but he was a man of honesty and integrity. 4. I am happy to have had him as my father, but when I think of God and His greatness, His goodness, and His makes me happy to know that He is my Father and I am His child! 5. To know that I can always call on Him when I need Him, to know that He is always ready to pour out His blessings on me, to know that He loved me so much that He gave His son to die in my place...that makes me happy! II. Happiness Is Knowing That I Have A Good Church Home. • A. This is not just a church house, it is a church home. ◦ 1. The home is where the family gets together. 2. It can be a storefront building, an old barn, or a nice building like this one. 3. What makes it a home is my brothers and sisters. 4. I may be a little prejudiced about this, but I know that I have a good church home. • B. A good church is where people care about each other. ◦ 1. That is to be expected in a family. 2. Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. cf. Galatians 6:2 3. This I know first hand: ▪ a. This church is known for caring about one another. b. I already knew about it, but it was reaffirmed when I became your pastor. • C. A good church home is where people care about reaching the world for Christ. ◦ 1. We have a testimony around the world to that fact. 2. To God be the glory! 3. I am happy that I have a good church home, many do not have a church that they can come to. III. Happiness Is Knowing: • A. That I have the Bible as my guide. ◦ 1. When I go on a trip I always take my map and my navigator, some times they need to be updated.2. In my life as a Christian, God has given me a guide book that will never go out of date, and the Holy Spirit who will never lead me wrong. 3. There is reason to be happy today! • B. That I can serve God with my life. ◦ 1. There are many people who profess to accept Christ, get baptized, and join a church...but then stop and go no further. 2. I know that everyone will not be a preacher, may never teach a class, may not have a voice to sing beautiful songs... 3. But everyone can serve in in some capacity! 4. The difference between a sparkling mountain stream and a stagnant farm pond is the flow! 5. There is great joy in serving the Lord, and there are areas of service for everyone who is willing! • C. That I have a home awaiting me at the end of the way. ◦ 1. Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. 2. There are some folks who have been here in the past 3 years that have gone on to be with the Lord. 3. There may be some here today that, should the Lord tarry His coming, may not be here a year from now. 4. All of us want to live as long as possible, but the truth is that we all will go into eternity. 5. I am happy to know that I have a place prepared for me, and I dont have to worry about where I will spend eternity. 6. Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. cf 2 Co. 5:8 Conclusion: Are you happy today? Do you know that God is your Heavenly Father? Have you been born again? Do you have a good church home? Are you living your life in accordance with the Word of God? Are you serving Him today? Do you know that when you die, you will spend eternity with Christ in heaven? All of this you can know today! You find a happiness that will not end! Come today and meet God at this altar. Christian, there is no excuse for your not being happy. Unless sin has robbed you of your joy. 1 Jn. 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive and to cleanse. Do you need to come this morning?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:21:24 +0000

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