Sunday School Senior Group: VERY SHORT ANSWER 1. Who was the - TopicsExpress


Sunday School Senior Group: VERY SHORT ANSWER 1. Who was the Israel prophet during famine in Samaria? Answer: Elisha was the Prophet 2. What Practical, day to day purpose does Scripture have? Answer: The Practical day to day purpose of the Scripture is that the people of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 3. What does God expect of us in our family relationship? Answer: God’s expectation of us is to be united with our family members by loving, respecting, helping and forgiving them. 4. How can following one’s desire leads to an addiction? Answer: Following one’s desire after habitually doing the wrong things leads to addiction. 5. What was the initial response of Jeremiah to the call of God? Answer: Jeremiah response to the call of God that he is only a child who does not know how to speak. 6. What is the simplest way to avoid Peer Pressure? Answer: The simplest way to avoid Peer Pressure is by saying No to wrong things. 7. How is God our perfect friend? Answer: God is our true friend because God accepts, forgive and helps us unconditionally. 8. How was the plants and garden watered in the Garden of Eden? Answer: The Garden in Eden was watered by the river which flow from Eden: from there it was separated into four headwaters. Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. 9. Name some of the qualities of Cain that we should flee from? Answer: Some of the qualities of Cain which we should flee from it is anger, Hatred, Killer, Unkind, etc. 10. Who is Jacob? Answer: Jacob is the son of Isaac. LONG ANSWER QUESTION 1. How did God created the earth and what was His opinion about His creation? Answer: God created the earth by his living word. The Universe is the work of God. It did not happen on its own. God spoke and it came into being. God made everything and it was good – that was His opinion. Man and woman were representatives of God on earth. In a way, they too were the glory of God. Animals were not created in His image. 2. How man and woman are different from animal and what was the warning given to man by God in the Garden of Eden? Answer : Man and woman were differently made from animals by breathing his living breathe and on the likeness of God (image of God). Human being is made on the image of God with the thinking power to rule over the earth. Animals were not created on the image of God image and God did not breathe His living breathe to the animals. 3. What can you make God’s World a better place? What action could you take to stop the earth from using up all its resources? Answer: We must not exploit and destruct our environment as it is perfectly created by God for us. Many actions can be taken up in-order to stop using all our resources by not cutting trees, mining and fishing indiscriminately, using fossils fuels unnecessarily, making pollutions, etc. 4. “David’s appearance does not matter to God to be anointed as a King” Explain? Answer: “David’s appearance does not matter to God to be anointed as a King” because God does not look on the outward appearance but looks on the inner heart where he can see his heart. We human being look on the outward appearance such as stature, height, shape, etc. When Samuel was commanded by God to choose a new King for Israel, Samuel looks to the big, tall and handsome sons of Jesse, but God reject them all. Instead God choose David who is not well good in statue, appearance, height, etc comparing to his brothers. But God choose David to be the King without looking to his outward appearance. 6. What should friendship be based on? Answer: Friendship should be based on Jesus as Jesus is our true friend; as Jesus is not selfish but considerate, loves us all the time without any condition. 7. In what way wisdom and knowledge help us? And in what way can knowledge be useless? Answer: Wisdom and knowledge help us in understanding the right, just and fair- every good path. It helps us in better understanding and making the right choice at the right time. The wisdom of Daniel, Moses, Paul, and Nehemiah helps their people. Knowledge can be useless when people or man boast of their wisdom and knowledge without acknowledging God. 8. What is Negative Peer Pressure? What does Negative Peer Pressure make us to do? Answer: Peer Pressure is a negative influence to their friends by making them doing something wrong which is bad and not good. Negative Peer Pressure leads us destructive things which is not good. 9. What was Herod’s motivation and what made Herod consent to having John killed? Answer: Herod’s motivation was to please his wife and the audience at the party. Herod killed John on the pressure of her wife Herodias as John the Baptist spoke against Herod who married Herodias, his brother’s wife. Herodias did not like John speaking that so he made pressure to Herod through her daughter. 10. How was Jeremiah appointed for the ministry? What Job did God give Jeremiah? Answer: Jeremiah was appointed by reaching the Lord’s hand which the Lord touched the mouth of Jeremiah and putting the words of the Lord in the mouth of Jeremiah. The Lord appoints Jeremiah over the nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down and to destroy and overthrow and to build and to plant. 11What is the basis of all relationship and who established the institution of family? Answer: The basis of all relationship is Love. It is showing concern for the other person. God established the institution of family. 12. What is the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Answer: The Bible is the account of God’s action in our world and His purpose for all of creation. It contains the Holy Scriptures inspired by God and made reveal to man through the inspiration. All the Scriptures in the Bible are God-Breathed. The Bible was written by 40 Authors. The Authors were from different backgrounds and professions: Fishermen, Kings, Shepherds, a herdsman, a politician, a doctor, a tax collector, a rabbinical scholar and more. 13. How many years it took to write the Bible? From which places the bible was written? Answer: The Bible was written over 1500 years from three different continents: Asia, Africa and Europe and from different places such as in wilderness, prison, Island and while travelling. 14. What does it mean to say the “All scripture is God-Breathed”? Answer: The word God-breathed means that it was inspired by God. It was His revelation to mankind and with the functions of teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 15. How is Samaria badly affected by the famine? What was the result of the famine? Answer: Samaria was badly affected by the famine as there was no more food for a ordinary man. It was greatly affected by the famine resulting people began to eat their children and a donkey head were sold for eighty shekels of silver, and a quarter of cab of seed pods for five shekels. Any Doubt: Contact your Sir... Chipemmi Keishing, 9856163812
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 02:28:12 +0000

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