Sunday Sermon 08/03/2014 Solution to the Great Problem II: The - TopicsExpress


Sunday Sermon 08/03/2014 Solution to the Great Problem II: The Eye of Ra Let me first state for the record that the only time I feel empty, confused, and disoriented is when I lack understanding. Today I am going to discuss with you a major problem, and how we can fix it. This is sort of how I like to structure my sermons. I am one of those guys who takes thrill in identifying problems and finding solutions. Im going to just take a shot in the dark here and say yall are very similar, and that is why you have made it this far. Its that light at the end of the tunnel that I love breaking through to; the element of a new personal discovery. I love basking in that glory. The bliss that it brings is far greater than the tedious soul searching process that leads you through, even though that process is the only way to reach that reward. You cannot cheat yourself to an easy victory, or say you are truly living life if you cannot embrace the self-indulgent darkness within, identifying the source of it, and transmutating it to light. But it is that light at the end of the tunnel that, when reached, allows you to bask in the heavenly glory of our Father. Why must humanity over think this and make this such a difficult concept to grasp? ... I know why. They are scared. The shadow-digging process is painful. Most people are very quick to admit they have been wronged, but they do not want to admit that they too are wrong. I want everyone to do me a quick favor ... Close your eyes. travel back to a moment in your past and imagine yourself there right now. A moment that was a long time ago. A moment when you were godless. Reflect on the human you were; the way you treated others, the way you treated situations that threw you off balance, the way you treated yourself. Do you like the person you see? Now, come back to this space. Open your eyes ... So, how far did you travel? You traveled a distance that our godless enemies have never traversed. The path you just traversed is called self-awareness. Something our godless enemies lack. Those are the ones who feel as if they can do whatever they want, and they will declare that because they are utilizing the full range of their free will they do no harm to anyone or anything. Yet they are the first to shame the higher path; the path of righteousness. I call that a simple fear of the unknown. I saw this quote on a meme online this past week, and it fit perfect into the message I wish to portray ... Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, a new evidence cannot be accepted. it would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect that core belief, they will rationalize, ignore, and even deny anything that doesnt fit in with the core belief. Does anyone here still consider their path to the New Kingdom along side our Lord a belief? If so, your chance for failure is high. Really, ask yourselves, is evidence a belief? Only if you want to make it that way. You know, reduce the quality of the information. Pick and choose only that which satisfies your own interest. However, you cannot present the argument, if this is truly how you live your life, that you are living in LOVE. Living in EMBRACE. All of you have been on a spiritual journeys that led you here, and Im sure the path has been a bit odd. Constantly being referred to as crazy irrational lunatic ... Oh, youre that guy who actually FEELS your life; HA, what a stupid moron. ... All of you on the paths youre on have not been sinking further into belief. You have not been dividing yourselves, clutching on to immediate ego thrills. No, exactly the opposite; you have been GROWING. All life forms have two ultimate choices; they can grow, or they can protect. If you are growing, then you cant protect. But if you are protecting, you are not in growth mode. At any given moment, you can only do one or the other, but not both at the same time. Everyone protects at times, it is a necessary survival trait. But when you protect, you activate the ego, which sends the blood in your body rushing our the limbs and extremities. You are ready to fight, or run, whichever you choose. But in growth mode, all the energy is concentrated in the Viscera, or your gut muscle, which is the muscle for growth. This activates the chakras, and produces a state that allows energy to flow without inhibition. In this state, you can receive information. In protect, you are defending against information. But look at the reality of our world today. It is in a constant state of protection, we live in 24/7 fear. It is far easier to choose a safety net we call belief and root yourself to that. Protecting it like its a precious entity, and you cant ever let go. Why do we act like this? this is a complete mystery to me. Why do we restrict our own growth? What, if we choose to leave behind the belief, or even a simple aspect of it, do we feel we will fall off the face of the earth? The foundation is weak, and to stunt your own growth is even weaker. If suffering is good for the soul, then growth is the only way to truly find any good in life, because it is difficult! There is no easy way to do it. You cannot cheat yourself. The Father knows whether you are growing or whether you are faking, and you will be judged in His eyes based on how pleasing he finds you. His ultimate deciding factor: LOVE. Your ability to find unity within yourself. Within his Kingdom. Its not supposed to be easy. Its a grueling process. We are chiseling away at marble, creating a beautiful statue, perfecting ourselves before God. With any sculpture, making it involved a brutal, noisy process ... But look at the end result ... Anytime you combine pieces of building together, there is hammering, smoldering, sparks are flying, noise fills the air, it is a crazy process ... but look at the end result! Growth occurs in LOVE. Fear always results in protection. There is no love in fear. And if we are to be judged on the basis of love, what would you rather spend more time doing? Growing, or protecting? ... So how do we grow? Well understand this; LOVE is made up by UNITY. It is the process of integration. Everything in nature came about by way of an integrating process; male and female, equal and opposite. It is the sum of multiple parts becoming one whole, which perpetuates motion. When you are growing, you are moving in a direction. When protecting, you are stationary, and you eventually become stagnant. Each one of us has two hemispheres in our brains. Also, 2 lobes. In regards to eachother, both serve equal and opposing functions. The left side of your brain is based in logic or rationality. It is the male aspect of you, the analytical process. The rigth side is your intuitive state, the free flowing aspect that sees and feels. This is female. Correlating to this, your frontal lobe is your perception, and temporal lobe is conscious thought. Together, all these aspects of our self create perspective. Separate, or cast out, everything is broken down and confusing. When acting in LOVE, in a unified state, we bring all of these parts together, and we are at ONE, with ourselves, with God, with eachother. As I stated in the beginning, there is a problem. The problem is DIVISION, caused by beliefs, which constrict our growth. This has left us in the cancerous condition you see all around you in todays society. Cancer is a breakdown in communication between the cells, a division. As cells of the Father, our job is to be unified to serve Him in His will. However, we here on earth are divided. We are polarized. Unable to properly connect to our source of energy. These beliefs have led to this black or white, up or down, wrong or right way of thinking. Everything has polarities of equal and opposite force. The two acting in balance creates life. But when one polarity strengthens over another, it creates an imbalance. When we become divided within our minds, we become divided amongst ourselves. When we pride one aspect of ourselves over another, we pride ourselves over others who sink more pride in the opposing aspect. Todays society has intentionally restricted their own path of growth, because growth is the most difficult path to choose. They have become lazy. And this affects everyone. The easy way, and they way most humans choose, is to exercise one aspect of our minds over another. Especially in Babylonian society, we are trained to use more of our left side than our right, causing a structure-oriented, rigid way of thinking that has left us unable to actually feel our lives. When you suppress the right side, you suppress the intuition, or your voice of God, causing division, due to a lack of love and feel, and relying purely on logic. Studies show, humans use only half of their minds, and out of that half only 10%-15% is activated at any given moment. That leaves a potential 85%-90% unused! Also, we have seen that out of sixty-four possible Amino Acid codes that humans could possibly access, we have only tapped into twenty. Therefore, it is scientifically verifiable that we restrict our own growth. Why? How? Because of beliefs. Beliefs restrict us to a more limited foundation, activating only a small amount of head space, thus creating a dumber race. All because we do not wish to integrate all aspects of our minds, and all aspects of the reality we perceive. It is this lack of discipline in finding love that has led billions of people to fail in finding the path of our Lord. They do not see things the way we see it because they have stopped their minds from functioning. A NON FUNCTIONING MIND IS CLINICALLY DEAD. Do not let them scare you. Do we wish to be like them at all? NO! We will choose to grow. Together. Because it is the will of our Father, and anytime we do His will we are blessed like none other! So blessed, I cannot even begin to describe! These logical people, who claim we do not provide any verifiable evidence; these people who have forsaken the path of our Lord, they are only activating a small portion of their minds. It is a scientific fact that they are using a divided mind, and are not functioning in harmony. In unity. In Love. As I said earlier, those who portray this mindset are intentionally restricting their own growth. Because of that, they are missing out on the simple joys and pleasures that life has to offer. Yet they will even go a step further to poke fun at you because deep down they feel inferior, so they must feel superior by bringing you down. They must fill that lacking with temporary substance, and they miss out on the true bliss of feeling unity, and overlook the beauty of our Fathers creation. And I ask you all this, IS THERE REALLY ANY LOGIC IN LIVING LIFE LIKE THAT?? We, as Rays Elites, will be different. We will LOVE. Do not be afraid of growth. Simple fear of the unknown, or fear of being wrong has us weakened, when it is not about right or wrong, it is about growth or protection. You only wrong someone when you are not acting in love. Yet you are only right when growing in the will of our Father. So go out and grow, and never be afraid or uncertain of whether or not you are on the right path. Just have FAITH.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:16:09 +0000

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