Sunday Sermon Review Date: February 16, 2014 Title: Can We Stay - TopicsExpress


Sunday Sermon Review Date: February 16, 2014 Title: Can We Stay Here Scripture: Mark 9: 1-13 Jesus along with Peter, James, and John ascended to a mountain top that left the disciples in awe. The disciples were all but hypnotized as they saw Jesus transfigured. They thought that perhaps Moses or Elijah had appeared there on the mountain top and were ready to stay right there never go down. Peter had the bright idea to build a tabernacle for Moses, Elijah, and Christ. While there God spoke very clearly to them regarding His pleasure with His beloved son and advised the disciples to listen to Him. Climbing to the top in any of lifes experiences can leave anyone exhausted after such an endeavor. Yes, we all rejoice when we reach the top, but we must remember that our work and the work that got us to the top begins in the valley of life where a significant amount of our life is spent. Yes, we can enjoy a mountain top experience especially when we see and have Jesus with us. But we must remember that it is most likely that we met Jesus and heard His voice when we were in the valley of life. We can never forget where we have come from and those for whatever reason who have not had the mountain top experience. All of us would be wise to listen to Jesus. Jesus reminds us that our work begins when we love our neighbors as ourselves and when we share His blessings with the least of these. No, we cannot stay on the mountain top, but we must also never allow ourselves to become downtrodden in the valley of lifes difficulty. Both experiences ought to make us understand the need for Jesus whether on the mountain top or in the valley. Be Blessed Rev. Keith L. Reynolds, Pastor Christian Fellowship Baptist Church College Park, Georgia 30349
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:40:03 +0000

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