Sunday...Thinking back this morning to a time many years ago when - TopicsExpress


Sunday...Thinking back this morning to a time many years ago when Sundays really meant something to my family. Early morning and Mom would be hustling around the kitchen getting breakfast ready so we could all go to church. Afterwards is was always off to Grandmas for Sunday dinner with all my cousins. All the women would be in the kitchen with Grandma making the pasta and home made pizza. There would be plenty of canolis sitting on the counter waiting to be devoured by all us kids after dineer. My Uncles would be arguing sports in the living room. Back in those days we had the Yankees, Giants, and Dodgers all in the city. Plenty for the guys to argue about. I was lucky to have been to baseball games in Yankee Stadium, Ebbetts Field and the Polo Grounds. Back then Sundays meant family. Sharing the day with Aunts,Uncles, cousins and a visit from our Parish Priest, Fr. Sullivan. We were proud of our Italian heritage and celebrated every chance we had. I just wish I paid better attention and learned to speak Italian like many of my relatives. In the evenings we all knew when to go home. Grandmas tradition was to stand in the doorway between the kitchen and living room winding her old alarm clock!! Sadly today, in my family anyway, these time old traditions dont exhist any more. I ask myself what happened?? Family was so important back then, respect for our elders was a top priority for all us kids. Uncles were called Uncle Joe or Uncle Sal, not just Joe, or Sal. RESPECT. That was the name of the game. Today its different. Our own kids and Grandchildren have no clue about family values or respect in the true meaning of the word. God forbid one of us should address a neighbor by their first name! It was always Mr or Mrs. Go ahead and drop the F bomb back then. You would be tasting Dads hand across your mouth. Yup, times have changed and in my humble opinion, not for the better!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:49:31 +0000

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