Sunday at Chaps place. Church attendance was light this morning, - TopicsExpress


Sunday at Chaps place. Church attendance was light this morning, most likely from the snow early this morning. But it was good being there despite of fighting through the snow and ice on my car this morning. We all get something different from the readings and sermons. I came away with the message of faith and the Spirit of The Lord coming mightily. Not in the sermon, I was reminded during the service of this; as a very young child I had a lot of warts on my forehead. I was taken to the doctors and nothing worked with the medicines and creams. That summer my cousin Wilma H. Lord, told me to cut an onion in half, rub it on the warts, hide it, tell know one where you hid it and when it rots away the warts will be gone. With the faith of a young child, I did what she recommended, and it worked! In later years while I worked as chief of medical photography I mentioned this to doctors that were specialists and my friends. They knew no reason that it should work but it did. I present to you that it was my faith. I could have used any of a number of things and the same thing would have happened. My faith made me well! As the blind man, who didnt know Christ, but with mud being put on his blind eyes and washing in the pool of Siloam, gained his, never before existing, sight. and, later found out it was Christ. I can share other times, that purely relying on faith, miracles have happened. Have a blessed day my friends and may you find this week full of miracles. God bless!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:42:44 +0000

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