Sunday is WW1 picture day! Royal Navy men head for shore at - TopicsExpress


Sunday is WW1 picture day! Royal Navy men head for shore at Gallipoli for some relaxation, midshipmen on their way for a picnic, hospital barges transported wounded men gently, this one is on a Belgian canal, barges lined up on the Seine to run the wounded from Paris to Rouen, one time Celtic Player William Angus was awarded a VC for rescuing an office under fire, Canadian Captain Scrimger received his for directing the wounded at 2nd Ypres, the Russian army stripped Warsaw of anything valuable to the Germans before they arrived, German engineers start working on a vital bridge that the Russians have destroyed in front of them, on the Vistula instead of repairing the bridge in the background, the Germans transported this locomotive across the river on their own pontoon bridge, Royal Engineer despatch riders on their bikes at Gallipoli, a Turkish transport column at Gallipoli, Kitchener during his visit to the trenches in August 1915, Market Day at Aerschot in Belgium under occupation with an armed guard, volunteers from Ottawa on arrival in England, Mrs Felton of Fitzroy in the Falklands kept a lookout for the German fleet and when it came into sight she alerted the authorities before the naval engagement there in 1914, army vets about to operate on a wounded horse, and about to end the suffering of another than cant be saved, music hall artistes at a recruitment drive in Trafalgar Square, Violet Lorraine address the crowds and Little Zola, the comedian promises to perform at any barracks or hospital for the entire war for nothing in exchange for recruits, Scottish troops head out for a stint in the trenches in 1915, a French military band attempts to perform the Marseillaise within range of German guns whilst wearing their gas masks, Cornish women attempt to keep the pottery industry going, memorial at Hasenheide Cemetery to those lost with the L2 in 1914, Bulgarian troops pose for the cameras on mobilisations, a huge team attempt to get an Italian heavy gun up the side of a mountain in the Alps, some of General Bothas men making their way through British Southwest Africa, Indian troops pray at a railway junction in 1915, final of the Indian Football Cup at a POW camp in Germany, an Australian soldier poses with Turkish children at Gallipoli and British soldiers come up with a novel way to get a drink of water on the Western Front.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:13:53 +0000

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