Sunday march 16, 2014 FULL MOON Ending The Cycle Start Today - TopicsExpress


Sunday march 16, 2014 FULL MOON Ending The Cycle Start Today Today we can make the choice to end a cycle or way of being that is not in alignment with our soul’s desire. I SIGH DEEPLY as I begin to write this, I sigh because so many of you have come through so VERY Much, deaths, endings, fear, loneliness, loss and … VICTORY, a knowledge that you can survive and thrive, and a sense of HOW did this happen seem the theme right now. Today we begin with the energy of Healing Virgo which sometimes can be a bit self critical, and at 10:08am the moon moves v/c with the FULL MOON and we bask in this SUN AND MOON Opposing energy until 5:46pm when the moon SHIFTS TO ARIES: This full moon with the moon in HEALING VIRGO and the SUN IN DREAMY AND VISIONARY Pisces asks that we let go of all which has gone before. I spend so much time talking about if you are looking in the rear view mirror you BETTER BE going in reverse and who has time for that now? TIME to eliminate the rear view mirror? After all maybe this moon will help many of us let go of the OLD Junk and recognize to heal we MUST turn our eyes to the front window and drive ourselves into the future we desire: we have come through: Since last November Venus (what we want going backwards) Mercury (How we think going backwards) Mars how we act now Backward) Saturn our Karma now backwards… I think this is the messageo of rewind and DELETE THE PAST for us on this full moon releasing energy day. Mar. 1 Mars went retrograde in Libra until May 19 @ 9°). it is now time to Create balance and fairness with physical vitality, desires, and anger themes. Mar. 2 Saturn turned retrograde (@23° Scorpio; until July 20). Isnt it about time we all Review those responsibilities in our lives and and truly see and feel how we are FEELING about them. Mar. 6 Jupiter turned direct (@ 10° Cancer; Rx since Nov. 6). Initiate deeper nurturance of OURSELVES, honor self and and watch this planet do its LAST gasps for 12 years in the sign of Cancer which is about us learning healthy self care…did you get it yet? Mar. 16 Full Moon in Virgo 10:08am PDT isnt it time to heal and to . Balance inward and outward service and maybe even recognize that if it is sacrificed to those who do not appreciate it, that it is NOT SERVICE is it? Congratulations you have come a LONG WAY baby and today wants us to LET GO and this Purim is a Jewish holiday which I have long celebrated, it commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire where a plot had been formed to destroy them. SO today, let us rejoyce that what has not taken us down and destroyed us ….. HAS IN TRUTH given us new strength. I always on this eve do simple thanks: Fruit for the fruits the earth has given me, Bread for the harvst of the fields, salt for the gifts of the ocean and on this night will LET FLY A BALLOON to let go of IDEAS which no longer serve me. I will be looking for yours flying tonight also xoxoxo HAPPY WONDERFUL FULL MOON: - Color today pink for love of all things - Use rose quartz for the same and to help love yourself more - oil of cedar to clear your mind and space Lets allow this to be our kiss for today and maybe a life lesson or thought? There are no accidents…there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood. - Deepak Chopra **************************************** How to be happier? Decrease your willingness to endure discomfort. -- Abraham-Hicks ******************************** Thought for this full moon from Louise Hays Inner Wisdom book, meditations for the heart And Soul, Louise Hay… If there is any belief within me that says “I can’t Have or I’m not good enough: RELEASE IT TODAY: (VIRGO) (be willing to let that belief go. You do not have to Struggle, it is not hard work, just change a thought. Know you were born to enjoy life, I affirm that I am Now willing to open to the abundance and prosperity That is available everywhere. I now claim this mentally (VIRGO) For myself here and right now. I deserve GOOD: this Now becomes manifest in my experiences…I SEE IT, I FEEL IT AND I KNOW IT (PISCES ***************************************** Many years ago while working with a therapist about my relationship. She said the most profound words about relationships I have ever heard… You are concentrating so hard on the HIM AND you Carol. You have let the YOU GO…and without the you, there can be NO HIM and you can there? this is the LIBRA Challenge and BOY you do not have to be a Libra to have it do you? ~ Carol Barbeau
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:24:46 +0000

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