Sunday morning mancave report, all quiet around the cave, theres a - TopicsExpress


Sunday morning mancave report, all quiet around the cave, theres a light fog rising off the pastures and the sun is shining through, its another beautiful Sunday morning in the ozarks. Had another first yesterday, went to my first dance recital! I have to admit I had some reservations about going, kinda figured it would be about as much fun as say. . . Dance recital ? But I was pleasantly surprised, it was a lot of fun watching the looks on peoples faces when they saw me at a dance recital . Probably a lot like seeing the security team at the Westminster dog show or a dog agility meet (they arent the most coordinated bunch). I also checked mom out of Hillcrest and took her out for awhile, she enjoyed the recital as well and seeing several folks she knows. We only stayed for the first show (I guess theres two??) We went and had lunch and the she got really tired so I took her back, I think she enjoyed being out for a while. Today starts the Arena to the Cross rodeo bible camp in Berryville, last year I was lucky enough to get to volunteer and lend a hand helping out wherever I could. Unfortunately this y ear I have a lot going on and cant afford the time to help out. Hope they know im going to miss getting to wake up all the boys in the mornings and pulling chute gates along with some great fellowship with great people. I might sneak off early some morning just to rattle the garbage can once for old times sake. They have a rodeo at 6 Wednesday evening, itll be a lot of fun. Going to all these youth functions and stuff may ruin my rough and tough mancave image, I better get out with the security team and do something today, stay warm
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:25:50 +0000

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