Sunday morning religion lesson: What is MOST offensive to - TopicsExpress


Sunday morning religion lesson: What is MOST offensive to this barbaric idea of blood sacrifice to atone for fictitious sins. This blood sacrifice has to suffer, bleed, and then be killed to appease a vengeful God in heaven. The idea of a scapegoat is a story that tells a lot about a people...and Judeo-Christian nonsense we inheirt today in this country. Cliff-note version; Every 50 years the Israelite nation had a Jubilee year. All sins, all debt were forgiven...BUT the sins of the people must be put on a innocent goat...a literal goat who was then led into the wilderness to die and thus atone for the group. The goat was called the scapegoat. The scapegoat...would have to suffer, starve and die or be killed with the metaphorical sins of the nation being relieved and this sad brutal play would appease an angry vengeful God...what wanted and ALWAYS wants blood. Blood of animals, sheep, doves, goats etc...and finally, as the Christian myth goes...the blood of Gods Son on a wooden cross. Suffering, bleeding, yelling, howling, crying, and finally dying. In blood spattered glory. Then upon a memorial of this saviors death the faithful EAT his body and DRINK his blood. A transubstantiation in their mouths, they believe, ACTUALLY happens. An eating of Jesus flesh...a drinking of Jesus actual blood, BARBARIC, DISGUSTING, and HORRIFIC. While actually most of my real life friends would consider themselves Christian, they do not know this. I love them, they are good people. Good souls of the earth. I begrudge them not one iota their firmly held beliefs...but they do NOT KNOW that this is what their religion teaches with a clear conscience. Amen and amen.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:16:58 +0000

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