Sunday night I posted about my grandson Kole praying for my back - TopicsExpress


Sunday night I posted about my grandson Kole praying for my back to feel better. Id like to report on the results. Want to say first....God is good and God is awesome with or without certain prayers answered. Later that same Sunday evening that Kole prayed for me, I thought it felt better, but to the measure it felt better, and because it often just sometimes begins to feel better to that measure, and so for the sake of keeping it real, I couldnt announce that Koles prayer helped. BUT, now for the rest of the story.... I woke up Monday with excruciating back pain, to the point of hardly being able to stand, and certainly not able to walk. Marsha scrambled to find me something I could walk with, and came up with a baseball bat. With the baseball bat as a cane, I made my way to the couch, moving 3 to 5 inches at a time. Somehow or other I had made it back to ground zero, a point of pain and disability that I experienced when I first tweaked it 5 weeks ago. This was a crossroads for me to have attitude towards God, ie God, how could you let a little 4 year olds heartfelt prayer for his Papa go unanswered, not only unanswered, but how could You allow my back to drastically go the other direction for which was prayed?!?! I didnt cop an attitude, but in my pain, I was close...VERY close!! God tests us from time to time, but not so HE can see where our trust, faith, and heart is, for HE already knows, HE always knows, but rather its to make us aware and show US where our trust, faith, and heart is. I had to remind myself that no matter what, concerning my back, Gods in control, HEs always in control, and HE has a plan. By back was totally free of pain. And I can tell you with great certainty that due to the measure of bizarre, ie to wake up with that much pain(which was a 9, with 10 being pain that causes you to scream out), and then for it to be gone by noon had to be answered prayer, because what would normally take 5 to 7 days or more for the pain to subside to that degree, took only a matter of hours. So....first thing Kole says to me last night when I came home, after saying Hi Papa, was Does your back feel better Papa? I said, It sure does!! Kole then said, Pick me up! He wanted to see that it was in fact better because Ive been refusing to pick him up for weeks and telling him I cant because of my bad back! I picked him up and he grinned from ear to ear!!!!! THANK YOU Jesus for that moment.....and much thanks to all those that I know were praying for that moment as well! So grateful I am HIS...and that HE is mine!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:39:45 +0000

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