Sunday night reflection, and sorry, but its a long one: Recovery - TopicsExpress


Sunday night reflection, and sorry, but its a long one: Recovery from spinal fusion surgery is no fun. About 10 days ago, due to my truck leaving the roadway when a deer jumper out and surprised me, I had a couple of titanium rods screwed into four vertebra in my lower back. It hurts a lot, and has, temporarily, weakened my body and, at times, my spirit. It has reminded me of my vulnerability and my reliance on others and how near we are to tragedy in just a split second. It could have turned out A LOT worse. Sometimes I am not very patient with myself, and I think I should be some kind of superman. New things hurt every day. I am trying to moderate on the pharmacologicals and not get too used to pain meds and muscle relaxers. Doing simple things feels near impossible or just causes unexpected, stabbing pain. The 27 staples holding together the six incisions in my back itch and irritate me constantly. Its very hard to find a comfortable place or posture to rest in. I have a very weak appetite, and forget to drink enough water. Im missing some important duties at work. We had to skip the Alison Krauss concert at Chastain last night and must postpone a family vacation this coming weekend including Patricks birthday. My 14 year old Excursion is totaled and Im still unsure of what the insurance payoff will be, and how I will replace it. Pain meds have a very uncomfortable effect on my digestion. Not sure if I will be able to attend summer camp with the Troop next month. Dont know how long till Im back to normal activity and capabilities, whatever that is, but the literature says somewhere between two weeks and eighteen months?!?!?! But Im still alive and generally improving gradually in strength, mobility and flexibility every day. And its only been 10 days! Devre is very patient and kind and caring ... lots of good things come with being married to a massage therapist! I have great insurance and should get the truck issue somewhat resolved this week. I have a great team of co-workers who are handling things very well in my absence. I hired some great people! The staples come out Tuesday, and I hope to begin some exercises to speed my recovery. My kids are very understanding and helpful. Medical professionals caring for me have been wonderful. This will all be a distant memory in a short few months. I have faith in Gods promise to take all the negatives in our life, if we submit them to Him, and flip them into blessings that we never expected. I have that faith because hes done it in my life more times than I can count. He reminds me often that people all over the world and all through time, people with less faith, strength, resilience, resources and brains than I, have come through times and circumstances much worse than mine. He has placed in my path great friends who pray for me every day and who encourage and uplift me. He is using this time and experience to humble me, to remind me of my reliance on Him as well as my friends and family, and to prepare me to do the things He still has in His plan for me. So as I lie here in my warm bed in my nice home, stuffed with meds and covered in minty analgesic creme, listening to my wonderful gift of a wife breathe in contented sleep, I just ask you to pray for my patience, wisdom, healing and encouragement. If God is for me, who can stand against? The Lord is my strength and my salvation; whom shall I fear? I look up to the mountains; where does my help come from? My help comes from The LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth! Peace to you all, and may you also live in victory...
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 05:00:48 +0000

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