Sunday side tracks: In an effort to avoid being productive, am - TopicsExpress


Sunday side tracks: In an effort to avoid being productive, am on the computer looking at stuff. Wow was the walk with Sweet P ever nice this morning. Seems like I walk a LOT faster and enjoy it a LOT more when the humidity is not 100% and the temperature is below 80 degrees. Regardless of weather conditions (barring hurricanes), Sweet P and I are out on the streets doing the PugMile religiously. It amazes me what devotion to a dog can inspire me to do. I would have to be dragged screaming to walk to the mail box if it were not for Sweet P. We have been walking every day for a year a half now, and not once has a loaded gun had to be pointed at me to make me go every morning. Pug Love. Note to anybody that comes to my house: keep your shoes on. Sweet P could win a watermelon seed spitting contest, and she gets daily practice spitting the VERY expensive dry dog food she has to eat in every direction. Wow those kibbles hurt when you step on them with bare feet. Granted, it is pretty funny watching a Pug spit food! How long have Band Aids been in existence? You would think they would have the scientific capability to develop one that will STAY ON. I banged my knee pretty bad yesterday. Have to have one of those BIG Band Aids on. Where is that Duck tape? That is what it takes to make it stay on. Duck tape fixes everything. And the few things it wont, a zip tie will take care of it. Started the last major project in Santas work shop. Rather unsettling. I like to design my own cross stitch patterns. I have a computer program that will convert artwork to cross stitch patterns. It takes a lot of nerve to start a project (ESPECIALLY for a gift) not really know what it is going to look like when finished. Talk about having to have blind faith. I am doing a sweatshirt with a Havanese dog on it for a dear friend. Talk about opening a can of worms! I have faith that it WILL look like the dog when finished. :) The worrier in me has already started fretting about getting on a plane Thanksgiving to go to Disney world. With the Ebola scare, it has me looking for a protective suit for me and Sweet P to wear on the plane. I worry. Has anyone heard anything about that first nurses dog????? Really looking forward to the Houston Haunt recumbent cycle adventure next weekend. Some GREAT laid back (recumbent riders) are going to have a blast next Saturday (and Sunday morning) riding like a bunch of kids. Reminds me of the old days at Halloween when I was a kid. TOO FUN. I refuse to grwo up. Have our costumes ready!!! WOO HOO. Time to start the engines and get to work around here......
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:33:42 +0000

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