Sundays Church notes 4/6/2014 - The Blessing of Something Out - TopicsExpress


Sundays Church notes 4/6/2014 - The Blessing of Something Out of Nothing Acts 3:1-6 -We have something inside of us that is working against a force we cannot see -when you trust in this force you have faith -We are naturally faithful when it comes to anything except God -We fly without questioning anything, we trust our car, we trust bankers, etc - but we do not trust God without some evidence of what he is saying -But God proved himself at the cross long ago - he is worthy of our trust -The man stopped at the gate of the temple because he prioritized the potential of stuff (gold) over an encounter with God -Why? -Because he knew he could control the gold -Because he liked the way the gold made him feel about himself -Because he liked what it made people say about him -In this world people are not concerned about internal value but rather what you show on the outside. For this man, it made people forget he was lame -Though he liked what gold did for him he never considered what would happen if he had faith to take one more step -This man teaches us about the urgency of the necessity of faith -Every day thay you spend faith less is a day you have wasted and not spent walking into the potential of what could be -You cant be comfortable living in what you can expect Associated Pastor Jamal.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 15:42:24 +0000

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