Sunlight Could Help Prevent Obesity, Diabetes: New Study Tuesday, - TopicsExpress


Sunlight Could Help Prevent Obesity, Diabetes: New Study Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 Nitric oxide, released by the skin in response to sun exposure, can help regulate metabolism, limit weight gain and manage decrease risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research published in the journal Diabetes. “This is an important study which shows that lifestyle factors beyond diet can help prevent weight gain, and diabetes,” Dr. David Ray of Manchester University said. “These findings support the idea that a healthy lifestyle should include time outside in the sunshine, not only for exercise, but also to benefit from sunlight on skin.” According to the research, nitric oxide impacts the way the body digests and processes food and sugar, thus curbing weight gain and limiting predictors of diabetes like abnormal glucose levels and resistance to insulin. One of the researchers involved in this study, Dr. Richard Weller, previously conducted research showed that nitric oxide from sun exposure can lower blood pressure, resulting in a multitude of health benefits. “We know sun-seekers live longer than those who spend their lives in the shade. Studies such as this are helping us to understand how the sun can be good for us,” Weller said. “We need to remember that skin cancer is not the only disease that can kill us and should perhaps balance our advice on sun exposure.”
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:18:27 +0000

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