Sunnah of Muharam In between practice sunnah specifically - TopicsExpress


Sunnah of Muharam In between practice sunnah specifically mentioned in the Sunnah of Muharam is fast. Extending the Sunnah of fasting in this month (Muharram), especially on the 10th day of Muharam is included Sunnah highly recommended. Abdullah B Abbas said, The Prophet arrived in Madinah he found the Jews are fasting Ashura (10th of Muharam). He said, Fasting is this? They said, Today is a good day, the day on which Allah saved the Children of Israel from evil enemies, so Musa fasted as a sign of his gratitude to Allah and fasting, we were participating. The Prophet said, We have more right to Musa than you all. Finally prophet fasted and ordered the Muslims to fast. (Narrated by al-Bukhari) Historical setting of fasting Ashura experienced several phases. At first, when the holy Prophet fasting Ashura without other people to fast rule. Then when came to Medina, he still continued to fast on Ashura day and ordered the Muslims to fast also. But after Ramadan fasting duty orders fell, fasting on the day of Ashura became the Sunnah and not obligatory. Prophet said, A person who wants to fast (on the day of Ashura), please observe, for the not fast, nor why. (Narrated by al-Bukhari) Then when the end of his life, the Prophet determined to not only fast on the day of Ashura (10th day) of Muharram, but also determined to fast on the 9th. Ibn Abbas said, When the Prophet was fasting on the day of Ashura and ordered his companions to fast also, the companions said, O Messenger of Allah, the day of Ashura is a day that is honored by Jews and Nashara. Then the Prophet said, If so, Allah willing, next year we fast once on the ninth day. Ibn Abbas said, But before reaching next year, he was dead first. (Narrated by Muslim) From this hadith, not only disunnahkan Muslims to fast on the 10th day of Muharam otherwise known as the day of Ashura, but also disunnahkan to fast on the ninth day of Muharram. Prophet hinted about the advantages of fasting Ashura as his saying, Whoever fasts on the day of Ashura, I beg to Allah so that it can eliminate sin a year ago. (Narrated by Muslim)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 00:15:24 +0000

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