Super Duper Spark!!!!!!!! Love David A2J Hi David and all - TopicsExpress


Super Duper Spark!!!!!!!! Love David A2J Hi David and all the one spark family. My name is Millie and I was married for 59 years to a wonderful man that made my life seem like a fairy tale. We did everything together and really had no desire to do things without one another. My husbands name was Bob and he passed away over three years ago. I felt like I had no reason to keep living because I lost the man that Ive loved almost my entire life. I was a teacher for 40 years and loved every moment of it. Several of the students that I taught would stop by after Bob had passed away and try to console me, but I was not having any of that because I wanted my life to be miserable without Bob. One day one of the students that Ive grown very close to over the years stop by and told me that I needed to come to the school and hear the speaker that the school was bringing in to talk to the students about the power of positive choices and the power of kindness. She told me that the topics seem to be written by me because thats what I always preached to my students about. While she got my curiosity up and I went not happy, not pleased and really not one to be there. See you can imagine that I had a rotten disposition and no tolerance for any shenanigans. I thought to myself what the world is this man going to talk about for an hour as he started to speak. Soon I found myself lost in his words and found that I had forgotten about being angry. Dave talked about so many things that it happened to him in his life, that I soon realized that my wife had not been bad at all and I needed to stop complaining about losing my husband, because God gave me 59 years with a wonderful man. When they finished it seem like it only been speaking for about five minutes. I could see that it impacted several of the students, teachers, administration and me. I felt for the first time in over three years that there was a purpose for me to continue to live and my purpose was to spread love and kindness. I waited around to get a chance to speak with Dave and when he was done speaking with all the students, I got a chance to speak with him. It only seem like we had been speaking for a minute when I happened to glance at the clock and noticed would been speaking for over an hour and a half. I told Dave what an awesome speech it given and how proud of him I was. In our conversation I told him about losing my husband and how miserable Id been for over three years. He looked me in the eye and ask if I had the guts to turn my misery into a key that would unlock somebody elses prison door. He went on to explain what that meant by turning my misery into the key to unlock somebody elses prison door. I told Dave I wish I was more like him and was started doing what hes doing now 50 years ago. He looked me in the eye and said trust me you do not want to be like me because I am the frog with the most warts. I struggle I fail and I fail and struggle often. Dave gave me a challenge that day, I went home and got right on the challenge that Dave gave me. He challenge me to come up with a story that I could tell other people who had lost a loved one. He told me that my story would be the key that would unlock so many peoples prison doors and it would cut down on the misery that each one of these people were going through. I did write my story down and I began to tell it to whoever would listen. At first I thought it was a most ridiculous thing that I was ever going to do, because I thought who would want to listen to my sobbing story and how one day I met a man that challenge me to change my life. Well have to tell you that Ive spoken to hundreds of people that have lost a loved one and Ive given them Daves challenge, to turn their misery into a key that will unlock somebody elses prison door and help them get over the inability to move forward. I am now 84 years young and pray to God that he lets me live to be 184 because Ive wasted so much of my time complaining about all the bad things that have happened to me, when I shouldve been using them as a key to unlock somebody elses prison door. I have to tell each and everyone of you that send in your stories, that she played a huge part in my ceiling and the ability to move forward. I would get up in the morning and I would read the stories and they would touch my heart and give me hope and give me strength to move forward, to live and fight another day. I have remarried, and I believe the only reason that I was able to find another person to love me, was the fact that I chose to turn my misery into a key that would unlock other peoples prison doors. My new husband was one of the people I was speaking to one night about turning your misery into a key. I think God every day for Dave, one spark and each and every one of you on this page because you have blessed me, and given me the strength to want to use my misery to unlock other peoples prison doors. Take it from a older lady, that it does no good to set in Waller in your misery and to make everybody else around you miserable because something bad as happened in your life. Take this time to look at every bad situation thats going on in your life and ask yourself this question, how can I turn this bad situation into a key that will have the power to unlock somebody elses prison door. Love miserable no more!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:49:07 +0000

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