Super Foods for Healthy Teeth 1. Water Water is the best - TopicsExpress


Super Foods for Healthy Teeth 1. Water Water is the best possible thing on the whole planet that you can consume in abundance to maintain your overall fitness. It is also good for teeth because it deposits certain minerals in teeth. Water is an important element of saliva and also keeps the gums hydrated. Water gives strength to the teeth and also prevents the tooth from decomposing. 2. Milk Teeth need calcium to be strong and sturdy, and it is a universal truth that dairy products are the affluent source of calcium. Besides calcium, milk is also abundant in vitamin D and phosphate, which helps in repairing the tooth enamel. Soy milk is a great option for those, who cannot tolerate lactose, as it is equally nutritious. 3. Cheese A small piece of cheese after every meal is great for oral health. It generates saliva in the mouth, which neutralizes the effect of acid. Cheese is also rich in phosphate and calcium. 4. Tea Whether green or black, both forms of tea are excellent for oral health. Tea contains polyphenols and catechins that not only fights with cavity, but also erodes bacteria that cause plaque. However, it is beneficial to avoid sugar in tea. 5. Nuts Munching different types of nuts can give you an assortment of nutrients as nuts, like cashews, almonds, raisins, peanuts, etc. are all abundant in diverse kinds of minerals and vitamins. They all are effective in maintaining the oral health. 6. Yogurt Yogurt is indeed a great food stuff that is rich in healthy bacteria, called lactobacillus. Yogurt must be incorporated in at least one of the meals every day. Yogurt supports dental health to a great extent by enriching the teeth with protein and calcium. 7. Dark Chocolate You might have been admonished by your mother for your crave for dark chocolates in your childhood!! But, it has been revealed by a number of researches that dark chocolate is amazing for dental health. It is copiously loaded with cocoa, which contain tannins. Tannins are excellent in reducing plaque formation, preventing tooth erosion, promoting blood circulation, and combating gum soreness. Consequently, you can have a piece of dark chocolate after your meal.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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