Super Soul Sunday....(this will be kind of long, but give me a - TopicsExpress


Super Soul Sunday....(this will be kind of long, but give me a moment, and trust need to read it). HOW TO FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE. I dont even need to know your personal story to know about what happened to you got to where you are right now in this moment. Heres what happened... You were born into whatever family you were born into, whatever situation or circumstances...and you started getting programmed immediately. You started to learn (and believe), early on in life, all of the things you currently believe now about yourself, and your life. You have been getting programmed since the moment you were born. You are not good enough. Youre not smart enough. Youre not actually that talented. Youre not special. Youll never be like them. Youll never live a life worth living. Nobody cares... And as you grew older you started to attract things in your life that are in direct correlation with all of those deep beliefs. You may not realize it but you settled in your life (a hundred times over and for a million different things) because you never felt like you deserved anything more. If you dont have the job you want, the spouse you want, the life you want, the money you want, the freedom you want...its all because you believe its not possible...and you dont believe its possible because, at the core of you, you dont actually believe you deserve it. It all goes back to how you were programmed. But you do deserve it. You always have. And youve always been capable of getting it, you just stopped believing in it. This is why I say, who did you want to be before you started convincing yourself you could never be it? THAT person is the person you are supposed to be! And at the end of your life your unrealized potential, and all of the dreams you never allowed to be, will stand around your death bed with you and say WHY did you let those things get in the way? Why did you let that divorce, that bankruptcy, that death, that heartache, that disappointment, that loss, that sadness...WHY did you let it all deter you? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN INCREDIBLE...and you threw it all away because you refused to get passed the moments that were meant to build let them break you...and then you stayed broken, for no reason! FOR NO REASON AT ALL YOU ARE STAYING BROKEN...other than that it just feels comfortable at this point...youve been broken for so long, it started to feel right and normal. Most peoples lives STOP because of a single moment they cannot get over. That moment didnt happen so that you could pull over and park on the side of life. This is why I say that its imperative that you reinterpret these moments...they didnt happen TO YOU, they happened FOR you...and the truth is that if you can grow beyond it, youll discover this to be an absolute fact. The universe has always been conspiring FOR YOU...and all that you truly seek in life is also out there seeking just dont believe it. AND THAT is why you are where you are, right now. How do you find your purpose in life? You start by letting go of the things that no longer matter. What happened in the past is actually behind you...stop allowing it to stay WITH you. No matter how much it hurt...its not actually a part of your life right now. That moment that broke you is let it be over and pick yourself back up now. How do you find your purpose in life? Start by evaluating your passions. What are you truly passionate about. How do you find your purpose in life? Start by realizing all of the things about you that make you unique, and get it in your head that there is ONLY ONE you in this entire world....and you were created for greatness. You werent created so that you could live sad, depressed, broken and lost. Youve already beat the odds. Youve already survived some major storms. Youve already been tested. And youre still here... How do you find your purpose in life? You start by reprogramming your mind. Let go of everything youve been taught about yourself and imagine right now that you didnt know anything about yourself. You have no preconceived ideas of who you are. You cant remember any failures. You dont remember any devastating moments that held you back....and you look in the mirror and see nothing but beautiful potential. Then what would you do? Figure it out because THAT is what you should be doing! Reprogram. Reinterpret. Reboot into a better life! (PS. All of those people that programmed you were also programmed themselves. Break the cycle now...youre better than they ever understood or knew)-trust me!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:21:27 +0000

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