Super Trivia Sunday Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts • Season 1 - TopicsExpress


Super Trivia Sunday Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts • Season 1 Episode 12 ADD TRIVIA • Chakram Count: 2 1) To kill a Greek soldier, whilst trying to enter Troy. 2) To knock out the Greeks standing guard outside the gate. • • A different actor (Scott Garrison) takes over as Perdicus in this episode. Anton Bentley had the role in the first episode, Sins of the Past • . • Nitpick: The Trojan Horse is made of bamboo, but the plant is not native to • • Nitpick: The Trojan War traditionally ended in 1184 BCE. Poteidaia was founded in 609 BCE, and Amphipolis in 437 (after two earlier failures following the departure of the Persians, who fortified the site in 480). COMMENTARY: Thank you, WHOOSH Cited by Ms. Magazine as one of the more feminist episodes of XWP because of some dialog shared between Xena and Helen of Troy (Xena to Helen of Troy: What do you want to do? Helen: No ones ever asked me that before!), XWP is clearly not your run-of-the-mill traditional woman superhero show. First of all, Xena is not a superhero. Shes good because shes good, not because of magic, being born under a different colored sun, or scientific enhancements. This observation was challenged in an early script version of THE FURIES (#47) where Xenas paternity was challenged. However, later script rewrites made the statement that Ares was Xenas father, into a more ambigious statement that Xena made the Furies THINK he was her father in order to get them off her back. At this point in the Xenaverse, Xena is not a demigod. Second, Xena has no permanent male in residence who sticks around in order to save her. Neither does she have a temporary male who does the same (well, baring Hercules, but, heck, hes a demigod afterall -- but then all the fights they have had ended in a draw, except the time Xena knocked him out in an unfair move in Prometheus.) This, of course, changes in a bizarre way when Joxer was interoduced as a regular character in the second season. But his function apparently is that of the court jester or fool, and not as the protector and defender of Xena, although the character often calls himself that. If there was any saving to be done, it was by Xena, and during the first season, Xena was usually saving Gabrielle. Xena kept Gabrielle around not just for someone to talk to at the campsite at night or to feed her horse, but to rescue as well. Apparently Xena did not need a man. It also appeared that Helen might be thinking the same thing, after she was through with Perdicas, of course. Perdicas returned to Gabrielles life not just a new man, but as a new actor as well. The new and improved Perdicas would return to Gabrielle a total mess in RETURN OF CALLISTO (#29) where he would talk Gabrielle into marrying him and have Callisto ka-bob him all in one rather intense 24 hour period. What a guy. !!! THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR …Thank you, WHOOSH . In BEWARE GREEKS BEARING GIFTS, the actor Cameron Rhodes plays Deiphobus, Paris brother and in KING CON he plays Eldon, Rafes friend. In THE RECKONING, Xena plays along with Aress proposal to bring back anyone she names from the dead and she suggests Hector, Achilles, and Agamenmon, but theyre long gone. In BEWARE OF GREEKS, those three people play major parts in the siege of Troy. Oops! Revealing mistake: In the beginning battle, as the Trojans fight from the top of the gates of the city, one falls off. The entire Stone Wall shakes when he hits it. Visible crew/equipment: As the people of Troy are about to be attacked by the warriors in the horse, the camera pans up to the side of the wall where Deiphobus is talking with another soldier. You can see a crew member crouching down behind them wearing a white and grey shirt. (I looked but I couldn’t find him)
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:45:06 +0000

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