Superbowl Sunday, thankful for good Friends Mat Howle and Renee - TopicsExpress


Superbowl Sunday, thankful for good Friends Mat Howle and Renee by Charles B. Duke Wow! What a supreme let down of a Superbowl game Sunday evening, (die-hard Seahawk fans excluded). For an exceedingly small portion of the overall football society, this game was not a huge must-watch-for-team-pride, game. Most of what was posted on the internet and Face-book, especially from older guys like me, was the hope an older player (Peyton Manning at 37 is an old Superbowl QB), would go out on top. Arguably, he has accomplished just that feat, by merely finishing the contest. Only 5 of the last 48 Superbowls were won by quarterbacks over the age of 35. Roger Staubach did it in 1977 at age 35 and 344 days, Johnny Unitas made it happen at 37 in 1970, Jim Plunkett who just turned 36 before the game in 1983 and back to back, ironically enough, the man who now is Peyton Manning’s Bronco’s GM, John Elway, the oldest Superbowl winning QB at 37 and 38 in 1997 and 1998. So, 5 Superbowls have been won, but only 4 men over the age of 35 have won the 5 elusive rings. With all of the other problems facing the United States in which we live, the Superbowl is a time and activity where we can all come together and celebrate a singular contest, complete with what is generally touted as the “Superbowl of commercials,” also. Sad thing this year is many of those commercials were as lame as the game itself. I particularly enjoyed the Doritos commercial with the kid saddling up the big dog, calf-roping the other boy and then in a victorious “Lone Ranger” style hi-ho-Silver stance, celebrated his Dorito’s conquest. Of course Budweiser’s big Clydesdales always can tug at your heartstrings and this year was no exception. Bruce Willis’ 30 second “Honda Hugging” spot was a terrible waste of the carmakers money. My least favorite commercial was the Coke ad featuring none other than a multitude of cultures further bastardizing our borders culture and language by singing “Oh Beautiful” in a dozen or so languages and native dress. In the “everyone-can-relate category,” it was fun to watch an entrepreneur get her big break, via the controversial GoDaddy domain name/web-hosting site and quit her job on national television (who hasn’t wanted to do that)? But, the internet giant followed that commercial with an almost grotesque display of body-building runners, who ultimately were racing to the same place for a touch-up spray tan. UGH! The 80’s Radio Shack commercial was mildly amusing with all the old stars, as was the Car Max “slow-clap” commercial with a myriad of odd inanimate objects clapping for the vehicle. Then there is Mr. “I’ll be back” himself, The Gove-rnator, Arnold Schwarz-enegger, for Budwieser. I think a one word description is in order, “Sad.” And last but not least I guess Kia has now introduced the “K 900,” a slightly more expensive disposable car. All in all it was a wonderful party and social event with my friends in Fort Worth, thank goodness, because the event for which we, and a million plus other Americans gathered, in living rooms across this great nation to witness, fell woefully short of the hype and billions of dollars spent on its production.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:28:11 +0000

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