Superfoods for a Healthy Family By Madelyn Fernstrom PhD - TopicsExpress


Superfoods for a Healthy Family By Madelyn Fernstrom PhD CNS Although changing your eating habits to eat better may improve your health, it does not necessarily guarantee weight loss. We know weight loss is tough and a work in progress. Thats why weve brought you this list of superfoods that work double duty for good health and weight loss. Look for foods that taste good, have great nutritional content, and keep you feeling filled. Try the following top superfoods: Dark Green Vegetables The deeper the color, the more the nutritional content. Called phytochemicals, these plant chemicals have a big impact on all body cells. The fiber and water content of dark green veggies fill you up with fewer calories. But dont just stop with green vegetables. All colorful veggies are a plus for health and weight loss—yellow, orange and even white. White? Sure. When it comes to veggies, white is a color. Think cauliflower, onions and garlic—all packed with flavor and phytochemicals. Deep Purple Berries Blueberries are always a favorite, but blackberries and raspberries are also great choices. Rich in antioxidants and flavanoids for heart health, berries are high in fiber, and naturally sweet. (Think of them as natures candy.) Eat them alone, or added to yogurt, cereals, or other foods where you want to add a little sweetness. At 50 calories a cup, theyre satisfying with very little calories. 100-Percent Whole Grains The key here is 100 percent. We often think starchy carbohydrates are fattening, but thats really related to those refined, white carbohydrates that dont fill you up until youve eaten a whole loaf of bread! When you consume 100-percent whole grains, you get a great sense of fullness and all the B vitamins with these fiber-rich choices. Think 100-percent whole grain—oatmeal, whole wheat, quinoa, spelt, flax—for all your choices, including cereals, breads and side dishes. With whole grains, fewer calories provide maximum fullness. Nuts Nuts are a confusing category. Loaded with protein and heart healthy fat, we often think theyre a dieters nightmare. Not true. If you can think in small handfuls, nuts can be the perfect diet aid. This small amount provides major satisfaction and contentment with about 100 calories (about 10 nuts). Think almonds, walnuts or filberts. Look for them raw or dry roasted. Avoid sugar coated or caramelized nuts, which add many extra calories. Another good choice are pistachios. A handful of those in the shell make a great snack. Plus, having to work to eat, slows down how fast youre eating those nuts. In terms of calories, nuts are a much better choice than peanut butter. Yogurt One of natures perfect foods. Choose low- or nonfat varieties without added fruit, packed with protein (some of the strained Greek-style yogurt have about 20 grams of protein for 100 calories). Calcium rich yogurt is a food you can both eat and use in cooking for better nutrition and in saving calories (use it instead of sour cream). The healthy bacteria are also a major plus for digestive health
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:23:29 +0000

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