Supplication (Du^a’): Al-hamdu lillahilladhi kafani wa - TopicsExpress


Supplication (Du^a’): Al-hamdu lillahilladhi kafani wa awani. Praise be to Allah Who satisfied my needs and provided me with shelter. Al-hamdulillahil-ladhi at^amani wa saqani Praise be to Allah Who gave me food and water to drink. Allah Does Not Resemble Anything. Allah said in Suratush-Shura, Ayah 11: Laysa kamithlihi shay’uw-wa huwas-Sami^ul Basir. This Ayah means: {There is nothing like Allah in any way and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight.} Allah created the light, i.e. “illumination”, so He does not resemble the light. Allah created the air, so He does not resemble the air. Allah created the sun, so He does not resemble the sun. Allah created the moon, so He does not resemble the moon. Allah created the human being, so He does not resemble the human being. Allah created the angels, so He does not resemble the angels. Allah created everything, so He does not resemble anything. The Prophets (^Alayhimus-Salatu was-Salam). The Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: Afdalu ma qultu ana wan-Nabiyyuna min qabli La ilaha illallah. The best of what I said and so did the Prophets before me: No one is God except Allah. (Related by Malik and at-Tirmidhiyy.) Allah sent the Messengers and Prophets to convey the essentials of belief Tawhid and the true Religion, Islam. Islam is the religion that Allah ordered us to follow and no religion is true except it. All the prophets followed the religion of Islam. All the Prophets worshipped Allah. They never in their life worshipped an idol, the sun, or a star. All of them, may Allah raise their rank, from Adam to Muhammad worshipped Allah. All the Prophets said: La ilaha illallah - No One is God except Allah. Du^a: Allahumma tawaffana ^alal-iman waj^alna min ahlil-Jannah. Which means: “O Allah, make us die as true believers and make us among the people of Paradise.” ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF ALL PROPHETS. Allah said in the Qur’an: Wa may-yabtaghi ghayral-Islami dinan falay-yuqbala minh. Ayah 85 of Surat Al ^Imran means: “Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam [it] will not be accepted from him.” Allah, the Exalted, said in the Qur’an: Innad-dina ^indallahil-Islam. Which means: “Certainly, the only religion accepted by Allah is Islam.” Islam is the only true Religion. In following Islam, happiness is ensured in the Hereafter. Allah chose truthful men and sent them as prophets to the people to teach them the creed of Islam and matters that will help them to have a good life in both this world and in the Hereafter. All the prophets are Muslims, believing that Allah is One [God] without partners to Him. The first prophet was Adam and the last was Muhammad, may Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and the rank of all his fellow prophets and save his nation from that which he fears for them. As for the Islamic Laws revealed to the different messengers, there were some differences among them. For example, in the times of ^Isa and Musa, peace be upon them, Muslims were ordered to pray only two times in every day and night. However, in the laws revealed to Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Muslims are ordered to pray five times in every day and night. The Explanation of the Attributes of Allah. Allah, ta^ala, said in Surat An-Nahl, Ayah 60: Wa lillahil Mathalul-A^la. This Ayah means: {Allah has attributes that are not similar to the attributes of others.} Among His Attributes are thirteen that every accountable person must know. These are: 1.Existence (al-Wujud): Allah exists, and His Existence is without a beginning and without an ending. 2.Oneness (al-Wahdaniyyah): Allah is One without a partner with Him, and no one other than Allah deserves to be worshipped. 3.Non-Neediness (al-Qiyamu bin-Nafs): Allah does not need anything. 4.Non Resemblance to the Creations (al-Mukhalafatu lilhawadith): Allah does not resemble the creations. 5.Eternity (al-Qidam): The existence of Allah is without a beginning. 6.Everlastingness (al-Baqa’): The existence of Allah does not end. He does not vanish and He does not die. 7.Power (al-Qudrah): Allah has Power over everything. 8.Will (al-‘Iradah): Everything that happens is by the Will of Allah. 9.Hearing (as-Sam^): Allah hears without an ear or any other instrument. 10.Sight (al-Basar): Allah sees without a pupil or any other instrument. 11.Speech (al-Kalam): Allah speaks without a tongue or lips. His Kalam is neither an Arabic language nor another language, and it does not resemble our speech. 12.Life (al-Hayah): Allah is alive and His life is without soul, flesh, or heart. He is Alive and does not die. 13.Knowledge (al-^Ilm): Allah knows about all things before they happen, without a teacher. Supplication (Du^a’): Allahumma ya Muqallibal qulubithabbit qalbi ^ala dinil Islam O Allah, the One Who changes hearts, keep my heart firm on the Religion of Islam. Basic Islamic Belief. One has to believe that the Creator, Allah, exists, and is not similar to anything. He is the only Creator and the only One Who deserves to be worshipped. He does not need anything and everything needs Him. God has Attributes of perfection that befit Him and any imperfection is not attributable to Him. Any imperfection, such as ignorance, place, direction, body, soul, organ, children, change or weakness, is not attributed to God. The rule is simple: Whatever you imagine in your mind, God is different from it. God sent messengers the first of them was Adam and the last one was Muhammad. All the messengers, including Jesus and Moses, were truthful, ordered their people to believe in One God, Allah, and not to associate any partner with Him. Hence, their Religion was the same: Islam. * How Does One Become a Muslim? One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy. The Two Testifications of Faith are: I bear witness that no one is God except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah. Imam ^Aliyy Ibn AbiTalib, the fourth caliph, said: Knowledge is better than money because knowledge protects you whereas you protect money. Knowledge rules over things, whereas money is ruled over. Money diminishes as you spend it, whereas spending the knowledge by teaching it to others increases your reward. Believing in the Qadar. Allah, ta^ala, said in the Qur’an: إِنَّا كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقْنَاهُ بِقَدَرٍ Ayah 49 of Suratul-Qamar means: {Allah creates everything according to His Destining.} The Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: الايمانُ أ، تُؤمِنَ باللهِ وَ ملائِكَتِهِ و كُتُبِهِ وَ رُسلِهِ واليَومِ الآخِرِ و تُؤمِنَ بِالقَدَرِ خَيرِهِ و شَرِهِ Which means: “Belief is to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and to believe in the qadar (destiny), both the good and the evil.” (Related by Muslim.) Believing in the qadar (good and evil) means: to believe that everything that comes into existence, be it good or evil, is by the Eternal Will of Allah. The good actions of the slave are according to the Will, Love, and Acceptance of Allah. The evil actions of the slave are according to the Will of Allah, but not His Love or His Acceptance. Benefit: The Prophet, may Allah raise his rank, said to Ibn ^Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them: قالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم لابنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضيَ الله عَنهُما : واعلَم أنَ الأمَّةَ لواجتَمَعَت على أن يَنفَعُوك بِشيئٍ لم ينفعُك إلا بشئٍ قَد كَتَبَهُ الله لَكَ ، وَلَو اجتَمَعُوا على أن يَضُرُوك بِشئٍ لَم يَضُرُّكَ إلا بِشَئٍ قَد كَتَبَهُ الله عَلَيكَ رُفِعَتِ الأقلامُ و جَفَّتِ الصُّحُفُ Which means: “Know that if the entire nation agree to benefit you with something, they will not benefit you except with what Allah has willed for you. Likewise, if they agree to harm you with something, they will not harm you except with what Allah has willed for you. The Pen has been lifted, and the Tablet has dried.” (Related by at-Tirmidhiyy.) Lik
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:51:45 +0000

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