Support India!! Support Indian Brands!! The Inspiring story of - TopicsExpress


Support India!! Support Indian Brands!! The Inspiring story of Micromax Mobiles: An Indian Brand In this 21st century, in India, we still have some villages which are deprived of electricity. Berhampur, West Bengal is one of those villages in 2007. Imagine a whole village in darkness every night, cut off from rest of the world. The citizens of the village cannot see TV, they cannot even purchase an electric fan, and they depend on the candles to spend all the night every day. There was a small grocery shop in the village, the owner of that grocery shop wanted to provide pay phone service/PCO to the villagers. By doing so, he not only helps the villagers, he can earn more money for his service. He went to his adjacent town on his bicycle (it’s a ride of 12 km) to purchase the PCO, but his dreams have shattered as the PCO needs power. He came back to the village disappointed and he became restless and felt defeated. He thought of the alternate for the power, an idea sparkled in his mind. He can use the truck battery to power the PCO, but he doesn’t have the power even to charge the battery. He determined to start the PCO anyway. He purchased the PCO and truck battery and established it in his village. You can imagine the overwhelmed villagers. They don’t need to go to town on bicycle just to make a call. Can you guess what the PCO owner did to charge up that battery? He used to ride on his bicycle every night after closing his shop to the town and charge his battery there overnight and used come home early in the morning before anyone wakes up. He didn’t do it just for the money nor did he do it just for charity. Your service to the needy and profits comes hand in hand. This is the first ethical rule of any established business around the world. This was observed and thought by Rahul Sharma, the young and hungry Indian entrepreneur. He soon released the first Micromax mobile (X1i) with 30days battery backup. It is first ever mobile around the world to give 30days of battery backup. Now the Micromax has market in India, Nepal, Srilanka, and Bangladesh. Micromax mobiles are well appreciated for their high end features with the lowest possible price.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:14:00 +0000

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