Support Oluwa State Creation – Hon. Abayomi Sheba Honourable - TopicsExpress


Support Oluwa State Creation – Hon. Abayomi Sheba Honourable Abayomi Sheba, Honourable Commissioner representing Ondo State at the Federal Character Commission in Abuja, in this exclusive interview with Oyesanmi Joseph James of Ikale Voice newsmagazine said the over-dependence on oil is our bane and this has been to the detriment of other sectors especially agriculture. The Commissioner, who is also a strong supporter for Oluwa State spoke on raising funds into the moribund factories such as Oluwa Glass Factory, Okitipupa Oil Palm Company … Here is the excerpt: May we know you sir? My name is Honourable Abayomi Sheba, Honourable Commissioner representing Ondo State at the Federal Character Commission in Abuja. I was born in the 60s to High Chief Emmanuel and Reverend Mother Esther Sheba. I am from Ode Irele, in Irele Local Government of Ondo State. I attended St. Andrew Pry School, United Grammar School, Ode Irele, Oduduwa College, Ile Ife, University of Ilorin and Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife with a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA). Could you tell us a little bit about yourself – your interests, past experiences in politics or in office? I started competitive politics about 20years ago having contested the SDP primaries in 1992 to represent Irele Federal Constituency in the House of Reps. I lost the election then but I remained focus and resolute to liberate our people from the clutches of bad representation. I contested and won the same election in 1997/1998 under UNCP but with Okitipupa L.G combined to form Okitipupa/ Irele federal Constituency. The then Head of State General Sani Abacha died and the whole process was cancelled. Not daunted, I joined the PDP at inception in 1998/1999 and was given the flag of the party to run for the same seat which I won convincingly in spite of the onslaught of the AD in the south west zone then. In fact I was the only elected member of the PDP to House of Reps in 1999 from Ondo State. For the four years I spent in the House, I was appointed Chairman, House of Reps Committee on Poverty Alleviation, Member; National Core Team that drafted Nigeria’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), Team Leader of The House of Reps delegation to The Peoples Republic of China in 2001, Member; House Committee on Petroleum, among others. My greatest achievement in the House was the inclusion of Olowo–Irele-Ajagba-Agadagba road into the Federal budget, the commencement of the project and its eventual completion. As you are aware the road was a state government road but I took it upon myself to bring it to national focus. Our leader Dr Agagu was at the FEC level to give his support, while Baba Naiyeju as Accountant General was also instrumental in ensuring that the necessary funding was provided. To God be the glory, today we have a first class road to our towns. What is your view as a politician on government community sponsored initiatives? Government has a primary role of meeting the yearnings and aspirations of its people by providing the enabling environment through infrastructural development and basic amenities that will give the federating units a true sense of belonging. What is your take on militancy in Niger Delta and that of Northern Nigeria? On development, can you comment on Boko Haram and its likes in Nigeria? According to Roscoe Pound, the society is full of conflicting interest and needs and these conflicting interests and needs can only be addressed by a responsible and responsive Government. The so called militants in the Niger Delta and the Boko Haram in the north have their grouses which the government that can be resolved through the round table. Conflict resolution is indeed the hallmark of good governance. The Amnesty programme initiated by late President Yar’adua for the militants in creek was a right step in the right direction. President Jonathan should extend a similar gesture to the Boko Haram militants. A conference of all interest groups should be convened soon to chart the way forward. What are those things you can share with us as part of the experience of being a Member of House of Representatives, representing Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency? Between 1999 and 2001, I was also covering Ilaje and Ese Odo Federal Constituency because there was no election there as a result of Ijaw/Ilaje war. I remembered vividly that I moved the motion on the floor of the House calling on the Federal Government to stop the carnage then. The motion went through and a delegation visited the place and made recommendations to Government. Another interesting experience was the ground breaking ceremony of the bitumen project by President Obasanjo who visited Irele as a sitting President and that was during my tenure as a Honourable Member. Before you won the election to House of Representatives, you must have had some agenda in mind. Would you say you have achieved them? I thank God that there were some monumental achievements during my tenure such as the Olowo-Irele-Ajagba-Agadagba road project, connection of Ajagba town to the national grid, poverty alleviation programmes, sinking of boreholes etc. My greatest regret was the non take-off of the bitumen project. This would have been a good opportunity for the government to employ our youths and also provide another alternative to the monolithic petroleum economy that we are operating. What are those things you think Ikale is still lacking? Ikale is still lacking a lot of things. Most of our youths are roaming the streets after graduation because there is no job. This must be addressed by the govt. The area should be opened up so that investment can thrive. After almost four years, how can you assess Nigeria in the area of social infrastructure provision, economic growth and political stability? Will you give Nigeria a pass mark? For political stability, let me give Nigeria a pass mark. At least we have been stable since the beginning of the fourth republic. But delivery of social services to our people is below average. Government must step up its activities in the area of good governance and provision of amenities. The over-dependence on oil is our bane and this has been to the detriment of other sectors especially agriculture. The informal sector of the economy must be encouraged, while provision of incentives such as tax holiday to industries that are willing to stay in the rural areas should be introduced. Funds should be raised and injected into the moribund factories such as Oluwa Glass Factory, Okitipupa Oil Palm Company etc. You were said to be a strong supporter of Oluwa State proposal. Is your dream for Oluwa State dead? Creating Oluwa State will be a great liberation to our people. As a signatory to the memo presented to the National Assembly on the creation of Oluwa State, it is my hope that the dream will be achieved soon. We actually deserve a state in our area and the state will be viable economically. Do you see a systematic approach by the present administration towards the agitation of Ikale Bitumen Refinery? Bitumen exploitation is not a child’s play. It is only economical in places where there is no crude oil. And it’s only the government that can effectively drive its exploitation. So let’s hope the government will one day wake up to drive the exploitation. Can you tell us about your family? I am happily married with four kids. Please tell us more about your appointment as the Commissioner representing Ondo State at the Federal Character Commission and its importance to the citizens of Ondo State. On my appointment as the Commissioner representing Ondo State at the Federal Character Commission, the late President Umaru Musa Yar’adua made the appointment after sending my name to the Senate for confirmation. My job basically is to ensure that our dear State gets what it deserve from the Federal Government as far as employment and job placement is concerned. The FCC was established pursuant to Section 153 and Section 14 (3) and (4) of the 1999 Constitution. The Commission is meant to promote national unity and command national loyalty, by ensuring that there is no predominance of persons from a few states or from a few ethnic or other sectional groups in the government of the federation or its agencies. This mandate we have been able to pursue. I have been able to facilitate job placement for our people in Ondo State to various Federal government agencies especially where our state is under represented. Our second mandate which is more critical is the equitable distribution of social amenities and infrastructures among the federating units. This we have not commenced but the commission is gradually setting up the process for it’s take off. The State is the basis for sharing at the federal level, while it is the local government at the state level and wards at the local government level. The FCC has a lot to do in order to unite perpetually this country bearing in mind our diversity. We heard you saying, ‘youth development is your priority,’ please tell us more about it? Our youths are our future. In order to avoid a looming danger that is akin to the wind of change that is blowing in the middle east, the youths must be protected through job placement and constructive engagement. The Government at all level has a responsibility to provide the conducive environment that will guarantee the placement of these people in a veritable and productive venture. My advise to Ikale youths is that they should remain focus and be law abiding. They should take their education serious because that is the only way their liberation can be guaranteed. Whoever thinks that education is expensive should try ignorance. How do you relax considering your busy schedule? I relax playing tennis and badminton. Thank you for granting this interview Thanks for the opportunity and platform given to relate with our people. Please keep the flag flying because you are doing a good job. Long live Ikale land! Long live Ondo State!! Long live Nigeria!!!. ... Product Id: 100109 Posted By: Oyesanmi Joseph James Country: Nigeria Category: Politics
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:39:21 +0000

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