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Support Operation American Spring!!! OAS%20%20Call%20The%20Colonel.docx OAS%20-%20Call%20The%20Colonel1.pdfHey everybody, (Please see Attachment) This is the pdf version: Phase 2 – Operation American Spring 2014 Tell Congress to… Call the Colonel Go to OAS2014 to see where your REP stands and to get your REPS’ Numbers So that you know exactly what country that you live in… The Constitution is a prison within which we have bound our federal government. No Constitution… no freedom. Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated. - Thomas Jefferson In addition to a few internal powers, the Constitution limits our federal government to performing only eleven essential tasks, as clearly stated in Article 1, Section 8 and reaffirmed by the 10th Amendment. 1. Tax 2. Borrow Money 3. Regulate Commerce 4. Immigration 5. Bankruptcies 6. Print Money 7. Punish Counterfeiting 8. Post Office 9. Patent Office 10. Establish Lower Courts 11. Defense The 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. When so ever the General (Federal) Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force. - Thomas Jefferson Marbury v. Madison (1803) (Marshall, C. J.) The powers of the legislature are defined, and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken, or forgotten, the Constitution is written. The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. - Patrick Henry The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State. - James Madison, Author of the Constitution With respect to the words general welfare, I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators. - James Madison, Author of the Constitution “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very hall of government itself…he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. – Cicero WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR YOUR COUNTRY? Most give nothing. Some have given all. If you do nothing else, do this one thing. Call your representatives and tell them to call Colonel Harry Riley. Make them tell him: 1. Will they obey the Constitution? 2. Will they honor the oath that they swore to defend it? 3. Most importantly: Will they help to deconstruct the federal government until it is back in obedience to the Constitution? Ask them if they are going to obey the Constitution and all that that implies. - No answer at all is a ‘NO,’ which will be logged July 4th. - ‘YES’ without admitting that they have been breaking the law accomplishes nothing. - The only answer that is acceptable acknowledges the crimes committed against the American people and a commitment to rectify what in nature and scope is nothing less than treason. WE KNOW YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW. It is time to take inventory in the House and Senate. Who is with us, and who is against us? They have divided us by age, race, language, gender, nation of origin, and religion. It is time that we divide and conquer them. Your Representatives have until July 4, 2014 to respond. Be persistent, but polite. Be determined, but respectful. Do not yell, use profanity, or be rude. However, do not let them continue ignoring you and your right to a limited government as defined by the Constitution. The states are free to do as they please. They cannot force their will on us through the federal government any longer. Our rights don’t come from the next election. We are born and will die with the right to be free. The ultimate solution, when the federal government destroys the Constitution and the states cooperate and refuse to protect their citizens, is nullification at the local and county level. We will ignore them the way that they ignore the Constitution. Let’s work to keep that from happening. YOUR FREEDOM IS AT STAKE. FIGHT - OR LOSE IT! OAS2014 Ready for release!! Please send this to everyone. Post and keep re-posting. This version does a better job of explaining what to do when calling our Reps. All of the phone numbers for the “Tell Congress to Call the Colonel” project have been hand delivered! They have no excuses. We will electronically redeliver as needed. This is the time for the big push. There are numerous people in numerous states working together to accomplish this one task in different ways. If we push together now in the same direction we can end this fight sooner than later. If you know of someone with an approach that gets the calls going out more efficiently and effectively, then let the rest of us know. Facebook and twitter, of course, are hugely important. I am told that with every Facebook and Twitter post we must include the #CALLTHECOLONEL. Very, very important!! From here forward I am going to be doing two things: 1.Letting you know what others are doing for the cause so that we have an over view of what we are all doing and accomplishing and so that we can learn from each other how best to get this job accomplished. 2.Hitting the halls of congress and talking to the people that you are all putting pressure on. I will keep all of you updated on our battles and our victories. Thank you all for all that you do. We are Operation American Spring. This is our republic, and we will have it back. Take the action at oas2014 -Joe Joe Bennett OAS - Special Assist. to COL Riley jbennett@oas2014 717-824-5940 Visit Constitutional Emergency at: patriotsforamerica.ning/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 14:09:06 +0000

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