Support a Researcher-Translator Spread the Ẓāhir - TopicsExpress


Support a Researcher-Translator Spread the Ẓāhir Understanding Bismillāhir Raḥmānir Raḥīm “I have been researching and translating on and off for about 10 years. I have been translating professionally for at least 3. However, due to constraints at work and the general lack of attention given to the ẓāhir (apparent meaning), my efforts have been spent mostly on survival and supporting my family. This is truly unfortunate, as I have discovered many matters pertaining to the Qurʾān and Sunnah that could positively improve the way we understand our religion. Following the fall of the khilāfah (legitimate Muslim government) hundreds of years ago, there was a severe decline in spreading the basic understanding of Islam. That basic path was based solely on the Qurʾān, the Sunnah, and the ijmāʿ (consensus) of the Ṣaḥābah, which are the only references of those who follow “the ẓāhir”. Post-khilāfah scholarship became so embroiled in justifying taqlīd (partisan obedience) and raʾy (personal views), attention to the sources dwindled, and focus was put on scholastic opinion instead of evidence. The ẓāhir was abandoned by the Muslim leaders and other paths were spread for political reasons. I have made hijrah with my family, yet we have moved multiple times trying to make ends meet. Twice I have been told by employers that the money would be sufficient, and twice I have had to struggle to barely survive. During these trials, I have kept a relationship with knowledge and research, just as I have kept in touch with many brothers and sisters worldwide who are interested in following Islam the way it was revealed: on its ẓāhir. Throughout the years I have received many questions and requests to research many topics; when I had the time (and sometimes when I did not), I would research the answer and post that research on my website and in a Facebook group. Others spread some of my work to different websites and forums. Alḥamdulillāh, this little bit of distracted effort has led at least a few hundred more people to learn about evidence-based adherence to the book of Allah and the sunnah of His messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. I can only imagine how many people we could reach if I could dedicate all of my energy on this cause of research and translation.” Yahya Abu Hassân [email protected] ALL RESEARCH WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR FREE TO THE WORLD VIA THE INTERNET, AND ANY EXTRA MONEY RAISED WILL BE USED TO PUBLISH LITERATURE TO BE DISTRIBUTED FOR FREE IN VARIOUS LOCALITIES AROUND THE GLOBE. ALL RESEARCH WILL BE SAVED AND PUBLISHED IN ARABIC AND ENGLISH. Qurʾān • Reciters • Recitations • Tafsīr Sunnah • Narrators • Isnāds • Authenticity Topics of Research Ijmāʿ Language • Agreements • Grammar • Disagreements • Vocabulary Various Different issues relating to uṣūl, ʿaqīdah, fiqh, etc. Questions & Answers. Set research objectives will be given first priority, but second to that will be answering any questions sponsors ask. This involves researching the question and finding all of the relevant evidence, so it may take some time. Results will be posted on the website below, as well as in a private message sent to the questioner. DAILY ENTRIES CONTAINING INDIVIDUAL ISSUES OF RESEARCH, ALONG WITH THE CORRESPONDING EVIDENCE, WILL BE POSTED TO MY DEDICATED RESEARCH WEBSITE: Daʿwah Work Funds will go to spreading research and translations throughout the world. All no-cost means of propagating this work will also be employed to give the ẓāhir-oriented daʿwah to as many people as possible. Musa Cerantonio, the well-known Australian dāʿiyah of Iqraa TV, Huda TV, and Peace TV, will be working closely with me to further the spread of an evidence-based approach to Islam throughout the world. This research will be featured in various media, including television and web-based projects. May Allah make this effort successful. Āmīn. What is Requested? Total Required: $1,500 USD/month. This covers rent, utilities, food, internet, transportation, and the education of my three young sons. Extra funds will be for maintenance (computer, home, etc.) and on propagation. The project will continue as long as funding is available. Any amount is helpful, whether from a monthly contributor (sponsor) or a one-time donor. Please contact me by email ([email protected]) or Facebook (fb/yah318) for details on how to contribute. Jazākumullāhu khayran, and may Allah accept our efforts for His pleasure. Āmīn.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:45:17 +0000

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